I think yui's mature enough to know what you guys are talking about. Maybe like give him a week or a month of taking care of yui, And if yui still didn't like being with him for a week or a month then it's safe to say that she's staying with y'all. You can't force her if she doesn't want to, that'll just form an unnecessary conflict.

Silver created a topic of The Archmage's Restaurant

Nahhhhh selena say you don't like that she smiles like that with elllllll

Silver created a topic of Black Chain

To be honest.. if she chooses one of those animal furs, it's still going to be a bad decision because, if she chooses the fox one, she'll be dancing in the palm of that tiger. But if she chooses the bear, the ML will be happy, and we don't want that.

I don't like how sei forgave them so easily, like i know she's more mature than me and i know they apologized but come onnnnn.. it took them 7 months to apologize properly, in my opinion that would've been enough for me to be resolute in not forgiving them. It just feels like they're invalidating her feelings a bit too much, i hate it.

Ha ha that's what you get. I hope you suffer for a looooong time<3

Silver created a topic of Talented baby squirrel


Silver created a topic of Aisaretagari no Antiromance

Damn why are some of y'all so mad??? This is literally a green forest manga, You all are weird..

Silver created a topic of Black Chain

Nahhhhhh like he really did that??? Bitch i would've killed myself if i were her right there

Silver created a topic of Boku no Danna-sama

I want a wholeeeeee volume of the kids adventures please<3

Silver created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

Omggggg aileen you're really... Hmm.

Silver created a topic of The Archmage's Restaurant

..damn.. that's so.. i feel so bad. To all the soldiers and him, to have to go to a war. Shit.

Silver created a topic of Black Chain

Oh you're dumb for that, never touch her bro. Once you do, that crown on your head would be no more than a fucking accessory.

Silver created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon
Silver created a topic of The Archmage's Restaurant

Bruh... Are you.. really reporting what you saw..?

Silver created a topic of Spirit Farmer

.. what.. the FUCK?! NO!? THE HELL!?

I can't help but think of how smart liesel is, and loyal too. Like she fell for the same guy in her previous life, even if both of the guys swapped bodies she still fell for the exact same guy.

And even in this life and the previous, that wench is always the same. A vile, disgusting, infuriating wench. Oh i hope you fucking die bitch.

And gideon(current crown prince) hes such a fucking dumbasssss. No way did he turn back time just for that wench, it's like revolting to even think about it. I hope he dies with unrequited love, i hope he dies painfully. Stupid son of a bitch who doesn't have any fucking rizz, dumbass needs to just die.