I don't care what any of y'all say about this, but this.. this is interesting. The way everything is being revealed slowly is so fucking good, the memories of another person, the servants histories is so interesting i can never get enough of this, and the love interest's development's on what is gonna happen to them is so entertaining to say the least.
Bro really wanted that cookie, even speedrunning their marriage.
Goddamn i was so disgusted that i just skip the page where she appeared.
This just came to my mind but isn't the person who is really the reason for all of this is his(the person who got beat up) dad? He better have like another plan for the dad
Girl really said i could change him, and she fucking did so slay for that girl. Anyways, it is a bit weird but hey i don't mind, mai's sacrifice won't be forgotten
What if no one ended up with maytham? Cuz i want him to go back to his original world
What if all of them was the culprit? HAHAHA cuz it is hardmode after all, but it's just a what if. It's fun But predictable, i doubt this will be true.
The sheer contrast, the difference.. it's wonderful.
Bruh I'd for real kill myself if ronia ends up with that stupid bitch.