Nahhhhhh like he really did that??? Bitch i would've killed myself if i were her right there
Whoa that didn't take such a long time, it's actually very surprising
It’s kinda short story from what I remember
I want a wholeeeeee volume of the kids adventures please<3
Omggggg aileen you're really... Hmm.
..damn.. that's so.. i feel so bad. To all the soldiers and him, to have to go to a war. Shit.
Oh you're dumb for that, never touch her bro. Once you do, that crown on your head would be no more than a fucking accessory.
Fucking slut
This is so real that woman is a definition of a slut, man..
Bruh... Are you.. really reporting what you saw..?
.. what.. the FUCK?! NO!? THE HELL!?
Nahhhhhh like he really did that??? Bitch i would've killed myself if i were her right there