No. But I don’t let other people touch my phone though. All of my friends thinks that i have a secret affair or something shady but it’s just saber dicks Lol reply
I love my family I really do but i feel like i need to get out of the house cause i am this close to bashing my head to wall three times a day. 2 reply
SASUKEEEE !!!! Lol seven year old me was obsessed with him and also haku from spirited away god i love him like he was so cute and can also turned into a dragon like how cool is that. Now I’m just simping for daisuke from balance unlimited reply
Well i have nothing interesting about me but while in quarantine i have 12 novel, 5 manga And god knows how many shows that I didn’t finished. But the funny thing is that before quarantine i always wanted to have some free time to entertain myself. reply
Get my mom to give my young self a therapy. And tell her to get her shit together and pay attention to her damn kid cause i feel like i only life this long just to spite her. Sorry I ended up ranting. reply