Could it be that the black haired asshole actually likes Daon but he knows Daon likes his Hyung (by the way hyung likes black haired asshole) so he blackmails Daon saying he won’t make a move on his hyeong if he has a relationship with him? And he acts like he also likes his hyung too?

It’s exactly like that. The author said: Seunghyun -> Daon -> Jaemin -> Suhyun -> Daon

The way Aresh treated him at first and his silence reminded me of Mr Darcy :D Our Mc is so smart but dumb at the same time lol. He Should have thought there might br some side effects or someone shouldve told hiö but whatever. They did it because of that mistake
Scanlation team, you rock ! It's getting so hard to read manga with a quality translation and editing these days. I am really grateful
And ever… and ever…