pls recommend me bl omegaverse

the omega takes a husband
exclusive no love zone
doctor patient relationship
sensei no sensei
restless webtoon

Here are my favs! (mangas)
The below two have animal characteristics too and have a series of books, highly recommended!

idk if i am the only one who is facing this problem but i noticed that notification (update) from manga that i added to currently reading list is quite late . so , it actually kinda annoying . do you know why ?

I don't know what exactly you mean with "late" ? For me I get one update batch at noon (12am precisely) and one around midnight (12PM-1AM). But usually not all the manga in my list (reading/ already read) are included in there but mostly manga that I frequently read or that I have saved in albums and stuff since showing all the updated manga would maybe be too much for the system idk? (I have around 1000). so it often happens that I stumble upon a manga I have not read in ages somewhere in my list or even on the home screen and suddenly see that it got an update but I did not get a notification. On another notice it sometimes happens that update notifications for one chapter upload of a manga are included in two notification batches (so I get one notification at noon, read the chapter, come back at midnight, it tells me: new chapter, I go there and it is the same I read at noon already >>>> this happens besides the times when uploader take down chapters before you can read them! this is simply an error in the Notification Center). So I hope I could help you with my insights. Maybe you mean something different tho.. in that case feel free to reach out and clarify what exactly you mean by "late" :)

okay no worries ;) Then it is how I just explained and all is going accordingly to the mangago schedule so no need to fret: mangago works with the previously explained update batch notification schedule where they send out an update collection of the past hours in a 12hour manner. so you get one notification probably around noon and another one at midnight. That way you don't need to frantically check mangago and hope for a notification but just need to check in twice a day at a scheduled time to get your daily collection of updated mangas. it is actually pretty handy. If you are looking for a system that notifies you the second a chapter is uploaded tho, you are wrong here. Manga*** works like this for example. I find the later system a bit too much tbh since you have a big jumble of mangas with no sorting whatsoever (if you don't check in for a prolonged period of time f.e.) or you get so many notifications in an hour or so that you start to get annoyed.. at least I do haha. So I personally prefer this really structured and simple schedule from mangago. But everyone has different preferences. :) I hope I could help you out :))))
recently, i noticed that the pages take time to load. even if i refresh it, it is still taking time to load. i thought it was due to my wifi. but apparently when i asked my friend, they also faced the same problem. help TT
use a vpn !!
Is a mangago issue, it has been happening for over a month. Some people use a VPN
i actually used it already but it still happened to me. can you share what vpn are you using?