Glenn's profession ain't a bad thing per se. At the end of the day, to someone out there, it's just one of the many ways of making a living. Tho it's also a fact that the general view regarding that profession is not good. Glenn knew that, he's aware. So when Ed pointed it out in the most hurtful way- it hurts me immensely...
Ed want Glenn to pat him on the back and console him when Glenn himself is hurting as well. When Glenn said smth along the line of "Why should I bear your guilt just because you're special to me!?" BRUH, best line of this webtoon. Stop blaming one person and just talk it out you two... At the end, Ed is indecisive and he also want to see those that 'hurt' him to feel miserable. That's not a very likable characteristic in fiction. Wc in a way, makes him a good character for me. I respect that at least.
2022-10-17 15:36 marked
Their relationship worked out well at the end bcos of Glenn and no one can