Non-BL Webcomics of any type - Korean, Chinese,
Japanese, OEL etc.
As much as school life/youth stories are one of my timeless top weaknesses, I also like stories with adult protagonists. And lately I grew even more fond of them. I especially like those with manly adult couples whose features seem like those of real men, that convey the taste of actual attractive grown-up men. Anyway, all the stories here have adult couple theme.
Note: Some may revive youth memories through flashbacks, like for example when the characters met each other, fell in love etc.
I find (post-)apocalyptic and dystopian stories very
interesting to read. I also like stories with futuristic setting and Sci-fi elements. The best for me is precisely their
combination (e.g. a post-apocalyptic/dystopian future type
of setting)
Apocalypse, Post-Apocalyptic, Dystopia, (Alternative)
Future, Futuristic City, Cyberpunk, Biopunk, Artificial Intelligence, Cyborg, Cybercrime, Mutation, Pandemic, Post-Epidemic, Virus, Survival, Space, Mecha