Ended the story at 2am and this story PISS ME OFF. The Seme suck, uke deserves better but at the end ooooo they have to be together. Hate this. Hate this!!
You aren't alone I'm feeling the same
It was such an shit story
I just feel so bad for the 2nd alpha
He deserved better than getting sucked up between this two fuckers!
They can fuck each other or fuck with each other idc anymore.
Just leave the 2nd alpha alone
He deserves so much better than wasting his time and efforts over this two shitheads mfs.
I seriously don’t know about y’all opinion towards Ed w him, but I rather go with Rick. He’s the guy who would still be together even if it’s a one-sided love. Been cheering for him cus the blondie is still stuck on his dead lover, and I have a feeling they’re the same person because of some random who held up his painting. (Forgot the name of the Asian guy, but seriously I am rooting for Rick). He’s literally there for so many years, give him a chance ffs.