OnlyMes January 12, 2025 8:43 pm

How dare she try to go behind Unnie's back and talk shit! Talking about "I'm just looking out for you" girl you're just jealous cause Taeha is interested in a woman older than you! UGH I hate her! How scummy do you have to be to try to ruin your coworkers happiness by telling a man you don't know her business? Unnie has been honest with everyone the entire time, you're horrible for trying to doubt her just because you think she wants to play around with a younger guy!

OnlyMes October 26, 2024 4:54 pm

I know I got bashed a few weeks back about a comment I made about Doyeon saying how she's no better than Jinjoos husband and now look at her. I've always felt from the very beginning that Jinjoo doesn't deserve to be going through what she's going through, from her husband or from Doyeon, but this is really crossing the line for me.
Her husband was a piece of absolute sh*t but he undoubtedly loved her and never wanted her to go through what she went through as he thought going off the grid would have been the best thing for her at the time but he was wrong, he fu*ked up, and he's in turmoil about it, begging for her forgiveness. Not excusing his behavior whatsoever cause I think she just needs to leave him too, but Doyeon has made herself 1000 times worse in my opinion by how she behaved in this chapter. I understand she has trauma from her childhood, but girl look at who you're trauma dumping to- a middle aged woman who's family gave up on her, husband abandoned her, fearing for her life for years, getting caught up pleasing a college student so she didn't fear getting kicked out and having nowhere to go. Jinjoo has gone through so much worse in the past year than Doyeon's issue which is basically just abandonment but at the same time, not really because she did get adopted by parents who loved her as well. But forcing yourself on someone without their consent, let alone in the ONLY place you knew she felt safe is the shittiest thing to do, something her HUSBAND wouldn't even do. Doyeon has turned into a completely different person from the first chapter, I don't like this selfish, lustful, incompassionate person she's become- or i guess the person she's always been, but just now bringing it to the surface. Jinjoo does not deserve this.

    Chrissy October 26, 2024 8:35 pm


    Chrissy October 26, 2024 8:41 pm

    Keep calling out the bullshit,those of us who see the truth are few so keep it up and don't worry about the ones who are immature children who can't see what's what,they rather pitty Doyeon than call her out on her shit which is what some people need to finally get the help they need,not pampering them or feeling sorry for them.

    OnlyMes October 28, 2024 2:26 pm

    Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Doyeon. I might hate what she's doing, but my stance is coming from pity more than it is hate. But I will stand and die on the hill that she doesn't deserve Jinjoo and Jinjoo doesn't deserve the shit she's been put through by her, not in the slightest. Jinjoo has done nothing wrong and has been sent to hell and back by both her husband and the woman who was meant to save her from her shitty situation, regardless if she caught feelings for Doyeon or not. I hope the endgoal isn't Do-Joo, I'll likely drop it if that's the case.

    Chrissy October 28, 2024 3:00 pm

    I don't hate Doyeon but dislike her personality,she has so much more and can do so much more in her life because she was adopted by good people,she needs to change alot before expecting anyone to love her willingly and not by her manipulating them into doing it,Jinjoo has so much trauma and yet she didn't force it all on Doyeon by being nasty towards her,Jinjoo is simply dealing with her shit and not even trying to take it out on Doyeon unlike Doyeon is doing to her with rage.

    Doyeon doesn't even realize that Jinjoo might want to deal with her husband and possible divorce before her husband finds out about the affair and maybe hurts Doyeon an especially since Jinjoo can see he still has those thugs around him.

    Doyeon just made a situation way worse by not holding back her sexual desires form the beginning and not cease the opportunity to get into bed a confused,scared and even hopless woman,heck Doyeon laughed when she realized that Jinjoo married a pedophile,she didn't feel anger or sorry for Jinjoo instead kept on with her shit and keeps stressing out and already stressed out woman.

    OnlyMes October 29, 2024 8:56 pm
    I don't hate Doyeon but dislike her personality,she has so much more and can do so much more in her life because she was adopted by good people,she needs to change alot before expecting anyone to love her willi... Chrissy

    I couldn't have said it better myself. I just want Jinjoo to be happy, be it with or without her husband, or with or without Doyeon. The NTR is shitty, but compared to them all, Jinjoo is the only one who shouldn't have had to suffer the way that she did, especially from the hands of people who claim they love her.

    Chrissy October 29, 2024 11:33 pm
    I couldn't have said it better myself. I just want Jinjoo to be happy, be it with or without her husband, or with or without Doyeon. The NTR is shitty, but compared to them all, Jinjoo is the only one who shoul... OnlyMes

    Hmmm,Jinjoo clocked Doyeon from the beginning,she said Doyeon and her husband are similar,heck she even felt like they looked alike and I bet it's why she made sure to keep her feelings in check and why even though she might have developed some feelings for Doyeon she is managing it and not letting it be the reason why she divorces her husband unlike Doyeon wanting herself to be the reason.

OnlyMes September 22, 2024 1:22 am

Not me sitting here thinking I'd be so happy if Maria-Sensei took me to her cabin in the woods and told me I'd have to stay there with her until things smoothed over (/TДT)/

OnlyMes September 12, 2024 2:56 am

Honestly? Everyone kinda sucks in this situation. The husband for leaving Jinjoo in such a horrible condition that would traumatize anyone for years without mental help and expecting everything to be water under the bridge when he returned with the problem fixed; Doyeon for even lusting after a married, broken, scared, traumatized woman who needed help more than anything else in her life- like seriously. She saw first hand what Jinjoo had to go through and she couldn't put her horniness aside long enough to even be concerned with whether or not Jinjoo was in a better place mentally or physically before she tried to make a move. Even then, Jinjoo confessed to feeling obligated to offer her body up because she didn't have anything else, that should have been an indication to not fuck around with her. And then Doyeon still has the gall to be upset with the husband- like, yeah, he's a P.O.S. but he is her HUSBAND! And he clearly, truly loves her. But my absolute qualm with Doyeon is her taking out her frustrations on Jinjoo, who, may I remind you again, is a mentally damaged and broken woman who caved at her lowest point in life. She's angry with Jinjoo. A married woman. A scared woman. A damaged woman who never got the help for her trauma. And Jinjoo sucks ass at communicating. She's such a pushover and a coward. This may be related to her past experience, but she's doing nothing but digging herself a grave with a shovel Doyeon personally handed her. Doyeon is single handedly making everyone's situation worse. I know she's young, but she was much more level headed in the beginning of the manhwa. Jinjoo doesn't deserve to be putting up with either one of them, honestly. I just want her to be happy.

    toastyBooksAndTea September 12, 2024 4:47 am

    Why can’t she be upset with her husband? I don’t give a fuck if he is her husband, there is no respect for him here because he did groom Jinjoo, he took her to be married right out of highschool when he was a grown ass man, and yes he did leave her here as collateral. That is something he literally did He does think of Jinjoo as his, as his property and he left her in that situation knowing exactly what he was doing. Even the loan sharks were flabbergasted at his audacity. Where does it say that he genuinely loves her??? I can’t believe you are glossing over all of this shit

    TENYN September 12, 2024 6:24 am

    Hmmm and that's all i've been saying for a while now

    TENYN September 12, 2024 6:29 am
    Why can’t she be upset with her husband? I don’t give a fuck if he is her husband, there is no respect for him here because he did groom Jinjoo, he took her to be married right out of highschool when he was... toastyBooksAndTea

    The husband is shit yes we all can see that but at the end of the day dude is still her HUSBAND as in she's a married woman,yes dude stole her youth and virginity away from her but Jinjoo is right Doyeon is just like him,Jinjoo was a young vulnerable girl and that asshole dated and married her and now she was vulnerable again and Doyeon took advantage of her so that's why Jinjoo doesn't believe Doyeon loves her because just like her husband sex is what they wanted more than to do what was and is best for Jinjoo.

    OnlyMes September 14, 2024 3:51 pm
    Why can’t she be upset with her husband? I don’t give a fuck if he is her husband, there is no respect for him here because he did groom Jinjoo, he took her to be married right out of highschool when he was... toastyBooksAndTea

    Doyeon is only upset at the man because she's in love with his wife. She lashed out on him, something she wouldn't have done as a person had it not been for her own personal feelings for Jinjoo. Doyeon is sleeping with his wife. Justify it however you want, she was wrong in this situation. And everyone knows he's a piece of shit who definitely deserved to hear what Doyeon said to about him, but not from the person who is SLEEPING with his WIFE like she's innocent. It's her fault for falling for a married woman. It's her fault for pursuing a married woman. It's her fault for sleeping with a married woman. And then she's taking out her frustrations on them both. I've never glossed over what he did to Jinjoo, you're choosing to pick apart what I wrote. I clearly stated how horrible of a person he is for what he did to his wife, but that doesn't mean he didn't love her. Jinjoo can be upset with her husband, but Doyeon- especially coming from a place of a side piece cheater- had no right to out him as being horrible when she's going behind his back sleeping with his wife and smiling in his face. Jinjoos husband is horrible absolutely, but you can't retort back at me because I bashed on Doyeon as well. You can't possibly think she's the innocent one in this situation.

    TENYN September 14, 2024 8:56 pm
    Doyeon is only upset at the man because she's in love with his wife. She lashed out on him, something she wouldn't have done as a person had it not been for her own personal feelings for Jinjoo. Doyeon is sleep... OnlyMes

    Nice comment....i feel like people feel sorry for Doyeon because of her past and how she grew up and totally not wanting her to be accountable for her actions and behaviour,a person's past shouldn't be a pass to be a shitty person in their present life and how they live it,everyone knows right from wrong,Doyeon saw that Jinjoo was in destress and then decided to add to her problems by encouraging her to become a cheater by Jinjoo feeling like she had no darn choice or be kicked out,Jinjoo was living in a totally destroyed house with not much to eat because she couldn't even go out to get food which made her loose a lot of weight,Jinjoo was scared all day and night and even was sexually harassed by one of the thugs,Doyeon knew all that yet still fucked Jinjoo,so how is Doyeon different from the asshole husband who knew Jinjoo's parents may have not beem good to her and fooled her into leaving her family as soon she she finished highschool then gave her a shitty life/marriage.

    For me i feel like Jinjoo is justified not to trust Doyeon and Jinjoo falling in love with Doyeon while she's a dumb bold bitch and a stupid piece of shit,Jinjoo will just be in hot water again,Jinjoo deserves happiness finally and Doyeon's happiness doesn't trump Jinjoo's in my opinion.

    TENYN September 14, 2024 9:02 pm
    Doyeon is only upset at the man because she's in love with his wife. She lashed out on him, something she wouldn't have done as a person had it not been for her own personal feelings for Jinjoo. Doyeon is sleep... OnlyMes

    Nice comment...ment to say that to you not onlymes...

OnlyMes September 9, 2024 2:09 pm

I still really like the manhwa so don't get me wrong, but I hate that Jinjoo is having to endure this stuff. Doyeon knew well what kinda person she was falling for, Jonjoo was too emotionally damaged to be taken advantage of sexually and that was Doyeons first mistake. While I don't think Jinjoo is innocent in this either, I don't believe she deserves what Doyeon is doing to her. She doesn't have solace from anyone in her life right now, not her husband, not her parents, and now not even the person who saved her. She's been through so much in such a short amount of time, my girl hasn't even had time to process all the trauma she's been through and her only outlet for relief was Doyeon who, honestly, kinda forced it on her by insinuating her desires so what the hell did Doyeon expect was going to happen? She's a married, middle aged woman with no other reliable outlets for Christ's sake.I have my own separate list of critiques when it comes to Jinjoo as well, but for this situation specifically, Doyeon is entirely in the wrong.

OnlyMes July 6, 2024 1:49 pm

I love the bullshit chapters as much as the next girl but this author really just be bored a lot

OnlyMes June 30, 2024 5:03 am

I'm so in love with thus manga, I get so sad when I realize I'm nearing the end of a chapter. Hopefully it will be available to purchase physical copies in the future, I want to own it so bad.

OnlyMes June 4, 2024 12:29 am

Her character hit home for me a little too much because I identify as asexual. While I'm more repulsed at the idea of someone touching me than the other way around, I can still see how this would be a problem in a relationship. I'm very glad that I got to see this topic tackled in a yuri, I hurt so much watching Tamaki and Miwa try to navigate through their relationship, but of all else, I really hate that Miwa was traumatized from their relationship to the point where she thinks she doesn't deserve to be sexually loved because she believes it's wrong. I hate that so much for her, but I 100% get why she feels that way.

OnlyMes May 28, 2024 4:49 am

Anyone else notice how she's themed the bullies deaths around how her son was bullied? They waterboarded Nagare in the toilet and she killed Kowase by drowning him, they made Nagare eat cockroaches and she killed Shikimi by tossing her into a well of bugs so they could eat her flesh, in chapter one, they were bullying Nagare by putting a target on his stomach and stomping on him and now she has Kinugawa plastered with targets to shoot him. This story is so well put together, I'm in love with it!

OnlyMes February 4, 2024 5:01 am

Well I guess I can sort of see a Triangle, just not a complete one where one person can't choose between two options. Incredibly proud to see Oushi grow as a character, but I'm going to be so disappointed if he exposes his heart to Yuki and she starts to question their relationship. While I don't see it headed in that direction (considering how honest and in love Yuki is with Itsuomi) there's always that possibility just to prolong the story and keep it interesting. I really hope it doesn't come to that, though.

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