In so confused, can someone clarify for me please?
So they both have the dream the night before, next chapter they are in a meeting, but then it skips to smut scene, and then back to meeting and a bit of mc’s dream
I feel like I’m missing something did they actually do it or was it all ml’s dream or ╥﹏╥ I think I have the wrong timeline

Kwon jihan had a dream they were having sex in and spoke about the black portal being over.
He suspected the item caused him to dream about the future, so he gave it to yoonseo to test it out. Yoonseo had the same dream of them having sex but he tricked kwon jihan into thinking it was something else and then climbed on him to see if they both had the same dream coz jihan got flustered.
The dream sequence of yoonseo is shown in between the meeting chapter
In the dream also jihan and the birdie are there after the black portal is over

I will need an explanation on yanu stats cause like how I mean like I get he is a dragon but I better see him on his knees later

There will be a part of the story where Yanu fight Eyra (I call this the love quarrel arc). Yanu obvious overpowers Eyra because of his stat and everything but Eyra put down a very very good fight where like every attack that basically hurts Yanu makes his likeability towards Eyra increases like a masochistic tendency. They broke up after this but Yanu basically follows Eyra everywhere after this eventually Yanu likability reaches 100 first (i think this is when he realize Eyra is his mate) before Eyra reaches his likability to Yano in 100. He even gifted Eyra his smallest dragon eyeball (dragons have regen abilities) and said that he will give Eyra one eyeball per 10 yrs and he keeps tempting Eyra with alot of things like dragon scales and dragon things that Eyra could experiment or research on.
Their relationship dunamic is amazing tbh because Yanu just follows whatever Eyra wants to do but he also does what he wants except destroying Eyra's estateand at the same time suring the war against dragon. Yanu does not stop Eyra from doing what he wants which is to help Yanu during the war. Their trust with each others abilities is impeccable and at the end of the war thingy Yanu is in his dragon form and Eyra caress his dragon eyes ang face while Yanu bows down to Eyra and the people of Eyra's estate saw it.
•After they broke up Eyra and Yanu still do those *ehem* things like a fling lmao
•Eyra exchange info with Yanu about dragons by stripping for him with every question he ask Yanu (pls yaoi gods let this be on the mange please)
•Yanu is VERY JEALOUS when Eyra is showing unterest towards other dragons

I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate you Theodore (I’ll let you know I write everything hate in that sentence)
The new art is so bad the story is great but the old art was able to convey so much more. Also art is very important in a comic/manhua/etc so since the new art can’t compare with the old one I might drop
couldn't agree more I can't take this manhwa seriously anymore the new art is so childish(no offense) compared to the old art
Exactly like we are talking about slavery and revolution but the art is legit for babies