AndroidData's experience ( All 0 )

AndroidData's answer ( All 2 )

To the people (10 people) who have answer can I heave your line ID. Then I will make a group.   reply
07 09,2018
about penpals
hi, I am an fujoshi I have two friends who are also fujoshi I introduced them to this wonderful world of fujoshi, and I understand how you feel it took time for my friends to like it and now they cant stop talk about it and blame me for their love of yaoi manga and other ones(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ feel free to talk to me and time when you want to......   2 reply
10 01,2018

AndroidData's question ( All 1 )

Hello, I want to make a group (on line) with people who want to learn Japanese, Korean, and Chinese, I am planning to have 6-10 people in this group to learn these languages, I only know some hiragana jap and some of hanguk ko, nothing for Chinese thought ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Comment below I will massages back as soon as possible. Let's be great friends and study buddy's(≧∀≦).
07 09,2018

People are doing

did confess to your crush

worst thing possible because i set him up with another girl since i was too insecure thinking he wouldn’t like me, they’re together now

1 hours
want to do confess to your crush

I've been thinking about it, and I should probably do it, in order to stop hoping pointlessly. But i did it once before and it was awful

5 hours
want to do confess to your crush

I need to have one to confess. also generally, do not confess. let them confess to you. always find someone who loves you more.

22 hours