Ch 6 - I don’t know who irritates me more, the older brother or that quiet girl Yeon. Don’t come back 10 years later and pretend to care! Older brother should stop asking questions and just ignore Jeokha’s suffering the way he always did. And Yeon, if you had told your parents what was happening 10 years ago none of that would’ve happened! Don’t immediately start looking for him when you come back as if you’re finally willing to keep your promise to protect him. The f-in audacity of these people. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Ch. 31 - I’ve been obsessed with this buuut I’m not liking where this going now. He was allowed to go to the academy, which would’ve gotten him away from Hugo and allowed him to learn things he wouldn’t have in his first life. Now he’s all of a sudden gonna fake his death? It’s not bad per se but I don’t like it.
Oh and just read a spoiler that it’s going to end as a harem with them like settling in the woods or some crap? Yea not gonna bother reading anything past him getting snatched. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Ch 38 almost has me ready to drop it. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! Tay, I need you to get it tf together and start trying to rub two brain cells together instead of running off crazy with one.