I just got confused
Can someone tell me what happened?in ch45 mr ahn was crying in the bus,and ch46 started with a scene which mr ahn was asleep in kang's bed and obviously they have had sex!
I cant get what has happened!

This night in season one was only from the uke’s perspective, so it showed how he felt and what he thought, so when he woke up and saw the note he was basically drowning himself in thoughts of love. So from his perspective, he saw the note, got dressed, and ate breakfast and then went to work all happy, after that he went looking for the seme and interrupted the meeting. Now, season two shows the seme’s perspective, how he wrote the note and drove to work and went to the meeting, and it gets interrupted by the uke. (Hopefully this makes since, if not you can reread it from the beginning and refresh your memories)

Nakyum likes seungho but not as much as his teacher,and he was hurt by the one who he loves and you can see that he got in seungho's arms to be settle down and ofcourse to forget his pain by pleasure and to prove himself he is a prostitude.
Buuuuut seungho,he was in a really bad mood beacause of nakyum's tears,and he got mad when he saw the painting of that stupid teacher.his reactions,maddness,kisses were amazing.he was upset beacause of nakyum.
What do you think?
I couldn't get the conversation between no-name and lord lee and the other lord,can any one explain what have happened plz?
Long story short they want him to take nay-Kum and kill him. But no-face wants part of it. The other lord who popped up is threading dating he can easily kill no-face.
I hope this helps some of you need more lmk (=・ω・=)