So happy to see my favorite psycho is back! I was WAITING for the update, almost scrolled right past with without realizing!
Y’all some fucking complaining bitches, like coke the fuck on. We get some updates and y’all like “trash” “rape” did you not read the entire thing before reading the side? Like, we all know he’s gonna gone be some loving boyfriend. Y’all signed up for this shit, STOP complaining
I always manage to read toxic relationships that go good, probably because I wish my toxic relationships ended up with a happy ending, but it didn’t. So now I’m stuck in a loop of reading about toxicity that becomes real love.
So, don’t hate on the people who like to read the toxic relationships, most of us are just trying to trauma bond with a comic because it’s hard to trauma bond with people.
If you REALLY don’t like it, drop it, leave a bad review about how toxic it is and the rape and blah blah blah, but let us that enjoy it ENJOY IT.
Well said. People are entitled to their opinions, but when you see the same comments with so much venom, you start to wonder if
A) are they even old enough to read it???
B) Do you they actually like it?
I would select A ^^
Most likely not old enough. Probably still in highschool, hopefully none in middle school but that’s when I had my gay awakening so I’d understand it.
Yeah, my first yaoi was shown to me in middle school and the first novel was Dramatical Murder. Which is why some many stories now I'm unfazed by it.
What do you mean « let us enjoy it ». You say they can leave a bad review but then ask them to « let you enjoy it » when all the comments are just bad reviews about the story and/or the character, like none of them are actually directed to the readers that enjoy it.
Right? No one said you can't enjoy a guilty pleasure, go to therapy instead of reading the comments then
I think you missed it. I know why you did, so I'll keep it brief. (My comment deleted on my end)
Think of this as a work place. You go in, do your thing, chill in the break room, etc. There's one coworker who does nothing but complain about their life. You ignore because there's no need to interact. Now, this goes on for 2-3 years straight. Non-stop. It becomes irritating because they sound like a broken record at this point and you already got your own thing going on.
That's what this is. This story has been around for a while, people are actively dropping the rating (when I first read it was 8.7, now it's 7.5 maybe lower) and some are harassing Mingwa. If the rating is too low, the funding for the webcomic stops, and the story could be left at a cliffhanger or an unsatisfied ending.
There's hate and their criticism. Most are not criticizing.
and don't forget it has ranked the first BL on official sites (us,kr,jp that's why mingwa posted two chapters) also US RANKING first in the two last years
More lore!
With that, it does make you wonder why haters are actively trying to lower the ratings and share repetitive comments... do they the success or something else?
retarded enough lmao
u r noisy af
I don't think that. I read Jinx on here and another site (I can tell via message) and you'll feel a different atmosphere. There are the occasional people who dislike the Manwha, but it feels more lighthearted.
It also could be because there's mods that keep any eye on things and there always a call away. Something I don't think MangaGo has.
omg u so right yaa i agree because when i read on bato and other websites you'll feel a different atmosphere and there's some funny memes and some ppl who gives a good reviews and opinions not some shitty ass cursing and hating on author only ^^^^^
omg u so right i agree because when i read it on b@to or another websites you'll feel a different atmosphere also there is a funny memes and a really good reviews and opinions not just some ppl's shitty ass cursing n hating on author's work like a damn bugs ^^^^
i try to send this message but it didn't bcuz i forgot to write @ in the meddle of the word (b@to)
Hm, I see your point. I agree but at the end of the day we're all free to comment how we're reacting, regardless of who it annoys. I also agree that it's mostly hate and not criticism, but that's completely understandable. It's just the kind of interaction this manwha earns. I honestly wouldn't care if it ended, but I HIGHLY doubt that would happen. It gets a ton of foot traffic and interaction, even though it's negative. It's a money maker. And if if does happen ... Well, that's the writer's mistake. I've read Harada, this is nothing in terms of disturbing content. The writing is just frustratingly monotone. Sucks that the creator is getting harassed though, but again, that comes with the territory and I hope they give up social media
You're right, you're free to say and do as you please at the end of the day. However, it can discourage new readers if they see nothing but hate than criticism.
I do think it will take more to get this series canceled but you never know. I think of the flappy bird creator. He made the game, the game was very successful, he received so many death threats that he took the game down.
Perhaps Mingwa doesn't pay much attention to her American audience, who knows? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶