idkyolo August 23, 2018 6:26 am

Simon is just gonna be a smiling stick figure... I mean I get that the authors usually have pretty tight deadlines most of the time, but the art quality is just getting more and more disappointing.. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

idkyolo August 20, 2018 12:02 am

I saw it as a "recent update" and got so excited... dreams crushed... (/TДT)/

    Anonymous August 20, 2018 3:33 am

    I feel your pain, Thought it might have a continuation Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    t3rianz August 21, 2018 2:17 pm

    Ikr ,, mangago has been playing with my heart for some time. It ain't feel good when you clicked and saw no recent update with "new" on yellow colour

idkyolo August 18, 2018 11:29 pm

From day 1 Alex told him exactly how the relationship is gonna be. In case you forgot exactly how clear he made it:

"Don't think of me as your boyfriend"

"If you jump into this thinking, 'Maybe we can be a couple' that's a mistake"

"Don't think it's special because it's your first"

He offered DG a shot and said drink it if you agree to be 100% sex partner only and nothing more. DG's response? He ignored the shot glass and drank from the bottle, he willingly jumped into this eagerly.

This whole time I just get more and more annoyed every time I see DG in his own little world thinking "OMG I'm falling for him more and more" "Maybe we can be more than sex friends" "Maybe I'm special".... like... no... you know that's not how it is... why try to cling to him...?

I mean yeah Alex is kinda a dick, sure poor DG or w/e, but man I have a really hard time sympathizing. His attitude is just annoying to me.

Just my opinion ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Tai August 18, 2018 11:43 pm

    it's not that simple. Like another commenter said, it's easier said than done. You can tell someone not to think a certain way or not to have feelings for them. But they's easier to say leave someone, but when you're in love it's hard.

    Diamond August 18, 2018 11:48 pm
    it's not that simple. Like another commenter said, it's easier said than done. You can tell someone not to think a certain way or not to have feelings for them. But they's easier to say leave som... Tai

    +1000 thumbs up... easier said than done, absolutely right
    Who tells a fanboy not to fall in's gonna happen. Sex only relationship--someone always falls for someone. People getting upset and annoyed by DG for doing one thing out of pocket but Jiwon does 1,000 things wrong and people used the sex only relationship for an excuse for his behavior.

    Anonymous August 18, 2018 11:58 pm
    +1000 thumbs up... easier said than done, absolutely rightWho tells a fanboy not to fall in's gonna happen. Sex only relationship--someone always falls for someone. People getting upset and annoyed by... Diamond

    Love is also not an excuse for everything. Sorry.

    Diamond August 19, 2018 12:00 am
    Love is also not an excuse for everything. Sorry. @Anonymous

    When did I say or imply that love was an excuse? The hell are you talking about?

    Anonymous August 19, 2018 12:00 am
    it's not that simple. Like another commenter said, it's easier said than done. You can tell someone not to think a certain way or not to have feelings for them. But they's easier to say leave som... Tai

    Omg DG only likes Alex for his pretty face and body, and is completly obsessed with him because he is his fav cumboy. If its a love than its really shallow. Its some creepy fixation.

    Diamond August 19, 2018 12:04 am
    Omg DG only likes Alex for his pretty face and body, and is completly obsessed with him because he is his fav cumboy. If its a love than its really shallow. Its some creepy fixation. @Anonymous

    Okay, that was already established that he was a fanboy from the beginning so much that Jiwon had to think about starting the sex relationship with him. It didn't stop him did it? So, Jiwon is technically a sexual assaulter for majority of this webtoon so far...what's your point? They both have faults so don't put it all on DG.

    Anonymous August 19, 2018 12:06 am
    Okay, that was already established that he was a fanboy from the beginning so much that Jiwon had to think about starting the sex relationship with him. It didn't stop him did it? So, Jiwon is technically a sex... Diamond

    Hahahah OMG you made me laught. Sexual assaulter xDDD

    Diamond August 19, 2018 12:15 am
    Hahahah OMG you made me laught. Sexual assaulter xDDD @Anonymous

    *laugh by the way. What's funny? Someone being a sexual assaulter is funny to you? You have no soul...
    You can giggle, laugh, snicker all you want, that's what he is. Jiwon is a narcissist sexual assaulter and DG is an obsessed fanboy...what else is there to say?

    Akira August 19, 2018 12:28 am
    Omg DG only likes Alex for his pretty face and body, and is completly obsessed with him because he is his fav cumboy. If its a love than its really shallow. Its some creepy fixation. @Anonymous

    DG is hard to relate to sometimes.He unfortunately falls into the cliche category of those childish naive pure innocent fragile uke boys who are in their 20's and have never dated or had ever had sex before.

    It is kinda annoying but at the same time DG was interested in Alex the person and to some extend he figured out that Alex probably has a reason he acts so distant and only wishes for their relationship to be exclusively carnal.

    DG has made efforts to actually meet Alex and know him better as a person.He wants other stuff from him not just his body and sex.DG actually had more fun when he and Alex sorta went on a date.Them walking together,watching movies,playing games,being familiar with each other,all those seemed way better than sex to DG who obviously needs affection even there.

    I don't blame DG because we all know why Alex is the way he is and it's obvious that he needs to work on his trust issues and open up to people and the idea of a relationship

    In the end DG can only be beneficial to Alex.If Alex's problems and his past hadn't been addressed and Alex was presented simply as an adult gay man who doesn't want commitment that would had been enough for me to doom DG's reaction because he is a responsible adult too but in this case Alex needs love and support and maybe DG can help him.

    Anonymous August 19, 2018 12:34 am
    *laugh by the way. What's funny? Someone being a sexual assaulter is funny to you? You have no soul...You can giggle, laugh, snicker all you want, that's what he is. Jiwon is a narcissist sexual assaulter and D... Diamond

    DG is some ugly poor fuck who was virgin being over 20. Alex could have anyone he wants. This manhwa is realistic at. Somebody as Alex wouldnt even look at boy as DG.

    Anonymous August 19, 2018 12:36 am
    DG is some ugly poor fuck who was virgin being over 20. Alex could have anyone he wants. This manhwa is realistic at. Somebody as Alex wouldnt even look at boy as DG. @Anonymous

    Af* and DG agreed to sex. It was consent. He agreed on the terms. Its not Alex fault that he is some inresponsible guy who mixs love with list and sex.

    Anonymous August 19, 2018 12:38 am
    DG is hard to relate to sometimes.He unfortunately falls into the cliche category of those childish naive pure innocent fragile uke boys who are in their 20's and have never dated or had ever had sex before.It ... Akira

    Idk if SB WHO is clingy and obsessed and treats Alex as God can help him. Its just another unhealthy addition to his life.

    kyra 23 August 19, 2018 12:40 am
    DG is some ugly poor fuck who was virgin being over 20. Alex could have anyone he wants. This manhwa is realistic at. Somebody as Alex wouldnt even look at boy as DG. @Anonymous

    How do you know? People have types. DG is not ugly and being a virgin over 20 doesn't have nothing to do with being ugly (which he is not). Be quiet you incompetent troll...

    Anonymous August 19, 2018 12:45 am
    How do you know? People have types. DG is not ugly and being a virgin over 20 doesn't have nothing to do with being ugly (which he is not). Be quiet you incompetent troll... kyra 23

    You all are so defensive because you are just pathetic in real life as DG XOXO

    LuluKillua August 19, 2018 12:49 am

    I agree

    Tai August 19, 2018 1:04 am
    You all are so defensive because you are just pathetic in real life as DG XOXO @Anonymous

    I'm actually happily married. You're the anonymous person going around talking about virgins over 20 being ugly. Who's the defensive pathetic one here? But I digress.

idkyolo August 6, 2018 6:49 pm

"I'm being ignored... should I cry for 5 chapters then scheme to try and make him jealous and come crawling to me?... Nah, let's just ask him about it."

I especially liked the part at the window. Instead of seeing him and just being all internally angsty he straight up yells "I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING" out the window.

I mean did any of this actually help? Not right now, but you can't say it's because he was too busy crying instead of trying to talk things out.

idkyolo August 6, 2018 1:29 am

basically everyone at this school; boy or girl, student or teacher, is an asshole?



idkyolo August 2, 2018 3:52 pm

the author just kinda decided to like... stop drawing Simon. I don't know why and I wish they put more effort into him as well.
Like I get he's cute and all, but he's a main character; for a while he's been drawn in the "chibi" style 100% of the time.
I can understand for like, cute comical scenes sure, but even during more serious moments he doesn't get his real face/body drawn ever.


    pay1370 August 2, 2018 5:38 pm

    yeah, the art was what drew me in and now it's just becoming sad. i guess the author doesn't have enough time to make it as detailed anymore.

    Every Straight Guy Can Be Bent August 12, 2018 3:38 am

    Or just let the author draw however she likes it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anonymous August 12, 2018 8:49 am

    he’s so cute as a chibi though, so i don’t mind :)

idkyolo July 27, 2018 2:12 am

but at least it wasn't an update with that shoujo story about the guy and girl forced into marriage again.

( ̄へ ̄)

    Rex October 23, 2018 5:53 pm

    Lol ( ̄∇ ̄")

idkyolo July 14, 2018 12:29 am

I've read 15 chapters now, and I just don't know if I can finish. Something about this is just very... "Meh" to me, but I just can't place it exactly...


    love is love July 14, 2018 4:45 am

    chapter 24 is the last chapter. this is a very cutsie and innocent manwa without any big drama, that is worth finis it

    Yeey~ July 14, 2018 4:56 pm

    I feel same as you honestly! Glad I'm not the only one thinking like this ^^ the story felt so flat... well this is my opinion, everyone have preference, but I still finish this manhwa in one go and I even didn't know why lol

    Fuggy July 15, 2018 7:07 am

    Couldnt agree more! So basic and boring. Feels like I've read this plotline 8 bajillion times

idkyolo July 11, 2018 5:16 am

that he's about to hack the MC. (Possibly again)

Obviously the rich handsome "prince" is the love interest and "coincidental" in game husband; so I can't help but feel like it's the "trusted" friend that hacked him in the first place and is getting ready to do it again after checking out the MC in game.

Maybe I'm being too cynical, but it's way too obviously trying to misdirect you. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Riaya July 11, 2018 7:56 am

    But would he really wait till his friend's birthday to hack his account? Plus he said he's been working part-time so I feel like the friend is going to gift him (maybe something game related which is why he logged back in after so long)

idkyolo July 1, 2018 2:59 pm

It's not like I don't like Karam, but honestly he's such a non-character as a main character.

Like he barely has a personality, which is something that should have been developed over 50 chapters; and when him and Jaewon are together they say like 2 awkward sentences to each other. The majority of it is Jaewon blushing and freaking out internally over everything.

Jaewon and Junseo have an actual relationship. Like, they're actually friends, they tell each other everything, they can be serious and joke around, they hang out and they like each other.

But with Karam the whole base of their "relationship" is "O M G he's soooooooo cute!!" It's less about disliking Karam and more about the shallowness of it. Oh and of course he's a kung fu master, we'll probably find out he's rich too.

    Myltov July 1, 2018 4:34 pm

    You exactly spoke my mind.. I could not have said this any better! My heart still belongs to Junseo, I can do nothing about it. (≧∀≦)

    Aviinà July 1, 2018 9:06 pm

    everything you just said i think also like that you took exactely the words out of my mouth and besides i though that he ended up whit junseo but thanks to many spoilers here i got very dissapointment i was like really how can you love someone based on that? ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Aviinà July 1, 2018 9:07 pm

    i mean ok yo can be nice to somebody but every little thing karam did he is likeeee wwwwwwwwwwwwwoooow and i was like what junseo did is more to be likeee wooooooow factor :p

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