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Lee Nan, who enjoyed his sex life frivolously, found himself constantly attracted to the president J...

  • Author: Tr,Tteokbap
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Mature

This is making me madding I was screaming all night. Gang kept attaching himself to someone who don't even want him. And after saying his bye bye HE TEXT HIM TO DO IT AGAIN!? First he did it by accident.. BUT TELL ME WHY NEXT THING I KNOW HIS ASS IS DOING IT ON PURPOSE 😐 I... At least he's smarter now... But like he will probably fall in love again since β€œit” is the main lead HE LITERALLY PUTS ALL HIS ANGER ON THE GUY WHO ACTUALLY LIKES HIM but I started to hate him after he tried to take advantage of the mc like gang.. You that horny... mc please move on and change that thumbnail, you put on the wrong ml if I see you fall for him again I'm gonna cry myself to sleep. In conclusion, I hate all of them