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coval May 26, 2024 6:09 pm

Evil, irredeemable, cruel, selfish, the worst of the worst. God it’s so frustrating watching him hurt his partner for no reason other than paranoia.

coval July 22, 2021 11:06 pm

I wasn’t someone who reported but it was goddamn annoying getting all those upload notifications for chapters we already have. And posting earlier chapters after the ending chapters just ruins and messes up the order. Especially when we might have side chapters coming up. Future readers will have be so confused with the whole manhua repeating itself before the side chapters. At least post the “official” chapters beside the fan translated ones. Or wait until side chapters are finished.

Anyway the translators worked hard on translating so just leave their work as it is.

    Ummidontwannadothis July 23, 2021 12:04 am

    Why are you so mad about it? You don't gotta read them, just erase it from your list if you don't want the notification.

    coval July 23, 2021 12:52 am
    Why are you so mad about it? You don't gotta read them, just erase it from your list if you don't want the notification. Ummidontwannadothis

    Im not mad though? It was just annoying nothing more nothing less, anyway I’m leaving on notifs because I’m waiting for side chapters ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

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