Read till the latest chapter(40).
I wanted to quit reading around 10~17 chapters, but I kept pushing to see if it would get interesting. The main FL(Annete) design is bland. They keep giving her these "sharp" moments but I don't feel the impact at all.
The author should first let me start caring about her(FL) before they start bombarding me with stuff about her mother that the Wizard is obsessed with. She is supposedly getting married to the Duke in a month or so, but there are so many chapters in a row with the Wizard and all the talking about her mother that I'm here wondering if it even matters that she is engaged with the Duke.
If feels like nothing belongs to the FL. Looks=mother, talent=mother, a bit of personality=mother, some people(main wizard) obsessed with her=mother and others(2nd tower Wizards) interested in her=mother.
Don't get me started with the other characters. The 2nd(mc?) Marianett, does nothing except behave like a 5-year-old obsessed with her big "sister". The only thing she has done for her favorite character is make her go to the ball to get her a bf, which her sister got all by herself. And another thing is telling her to be careful of the Emperor when she is sked to have a private chat. Oh! Also, she reminded the readers that there was a wedding preparation going on by contacting the Duke about the wedding dress shopping when the FL was busy with the wizard for a lot of chapters. But, after all that she is the 2nd best character even though she doesn't appear as much.
Ch.40- The reveal that Marianett is not the same one was so anticlimactic. Didn't the Wizard say his magic does nothing to her? Which didn't make sense cause in their first meeting he takes her to his tower while she floats because of his magic. But anyway... He just touches her head for like 10sec and that's it! You are not the real sister! *shocker* Then she proceeds to tell everything to the FL easily. ( ̄へ ̄)
I will drop this, but I hope sweet Noel has a happy ending.