call it crazy or unfair wont change the fact that akitora married her just for kid and stability, so he can have someone to rely. and i bet she already have a rough guess on that.
but uichi? oh my, istg akitora will always choose him for life. it's an ugly truth to swallow. you see that in the end uichi left. he didn't even know she was dead long time ago. and i don't like her anyway. acting like a calm and understanding wife when she is fucking not. you wouldn't like it if i say i kinda waiting for her to pass tho. hope she reincarnate to some straigt manga.
istg the crossdresser can be beautiful and handsome at the same time but well what he did do traumatizing (even converted the guy). unforgivable. good thing is this guy stopped being womanizer and learned how to love and respect (his loverboy).