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May166 November 22, 2024 6:39 pm

The question of "Is it violence or sex?" really comes up a lot of times And the question of "what really annoyed him?" when someone in a relationship wants to leave, it's supposed to make the other partner "go wild"...?, I think the ending of this episode was exaggerated. Does the top come to see after a night of only sexuality a certain difference to violence? A side that is already beyond enjoyment. The story is fascinating to me, and what interests me is what the main character's boundaries are. According to his statements, he has no problem suffocating to death. But in practice? Reality? Will there be a difference between fantasy and reality? So interesting...

May166 November 22, 2024 6:05 pm

I'm sure it's one of the worst crises of his life... Dun was lovely, and I think he kept his dignity for leaving, but poor JK, I really feel sorry for him... He made a mistake and now the whole internet is against him, he doesn't sleep and his health and mental state is garbage... Don't forget that he ended up helping Dun. I hope that from here it will finally be possible to see JK's emotions and a more significant development for the character. And of course, the creator is so talented and the paintings are as stunning as ever.

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Degradation 11-27 20:26
[BL] bound and gagged 11-27 20:24
[BL] abducted 11-27 20:16
Cockwarming😩💅 08-12 22:11
Any News? 08-12 22:10

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