For anyone wondering heres the novel i found it today and its super good
I’m betting Birdie and Pink Hair Friend will be our side couple
Tf you mean that he has it worse? Losing weight and training is not worse than being r-ped daily. Dan has got to stop making excuses for trash.
These annoying motherfuckers disrupting the wholesome peace, can’t even relax for one full chapter.
Girls leave the married man alone and come to me, I have plenty of love to give. They so hot.
Jae-Shin looked scrum-dilly-yum-cious this chapter.
Stella is stunning. Etienne doesn’t need to worry though, I’ll steal her first
The MC has the shittiest luck known to mankind
The panel where pink hair and JK are both thinking “scumbag”, is a loop of the pot calling the kettle black