fujomie August 19, 2020 10:36 am

"Not as your trainer, but as your man" the way my heart flipped-

fujomie August 12, 2020 6:20 pm


fujomie August 9, 2020 12:12 pm

Woww the balls this guy has, he's not even fearing for his life and even dared to call Nakyum a little whore?

He ain't gonna have balls no more tho once Seungho chops them off.

fujomie August 7, 2020 7:38 pm

Wow is this a covid manga? <- literally the first thought that popped up in my head after seeing the cover

    fujomie August 7, 2020 10:36 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! PaloGin

    Yupp it reminded me of this one!

fujomie August 6, 2020 9:40 am

I don't get it, why do yall hate Mr Han so much? Don't tell me it's because of the rumours, people have been hating on him even before that. Even though I'm Team Hwi, I honestly like Mr Han's character. Despite being a playboy, he's been nothing but nice to Param, even saved him from this rapist. Sure he gave out manipulative vibes in the beginning but he hasn't done anything bad to Param for me to hate him. What did I miss that made yall hate him so much?? Please tell me at least ONE THING he did to Param except for this kiss that made you hate him because I can't see it.

Don't tell me it's because of this kiss either. Sorry Hwi gotta call you out on this but this kiss is barely anything compared to what Hwi has done to Param. Hwi sexually harassed and blackmailed Param from the start but hey we all still support him because he's starting to develop feelings for Param. But Mr Han just simply kisses Param and you go batshit crazy??? Yall are so quick to dismiss the fact that he SAVED PARAM FROM A RAPIST just to hate on him huh.

Yes Mr Han's a playboy so I get why you're sceptical of him but can't playboys fall in love? There're tons of BLs where playboys change because of love (which is cliche af but eh that's yaoi for you). Yall are judging him too quickly, we haven't even gotten any insight into Mr Han's feelings yet. He might actually have genuine feelings for Param for all we know. I will not tolerate this Mr Han slander!! (unless he turns out to be an asshole in future chapters. btw I think the author is taking a break rn according to the latest raws)

    Stitchwitch August 6, 2020 9:56 am

    I dont hate Mr Han, and you do male valid points about Hwi. But to me it seemed that Mr Han saw Param with the seedy guy, waited for him to get drugged and vulnerable so he could burst in to the rescue. I could be wrong of course and time will tell

    fujomie August 6, 2020 10:35 am
    I dont hate Mr Han, and you do male valid points about Hwi. But to me it seemed that Mr Han saw Param with the seedy guy, waited for him to get drugged and vulnerable so he could burst in to the rescue. I could... Stitchwitch

    I've read the raws and if I rmb correctly there wasn't any flashbacks of the drugging incident or Mr Han's evil smirking face lmao but who knows maybe they did mention it. We'll have to wait for the translations.

fujomie August 5, 2020 8:37 pm

Just did some googling, there's actually a spin-off for Jun and the grim reaper and it's already completed https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=169987

Just hope someone will translate it soon...

fujomie August 5, 2020 8:33 pm

Dude what happened to Jun?? DID HE JUST STRAIGHT UP GET SENT TO HELL?!!

    WarriorNun August 5, 2020 9:57 pm

    I think Grim Reapers are neutral...so they might have their own plane of existence to reside in.

    fujomie August 6, 2020 12:58 am
    I think Grim Reapers are neutral...so they might have their own plane of existence to reside in. WarriorNun

    Hopefully that's the case, I'd feel so bad for him if he got sent to hell, hell's gotta be a scary place

    WarriorNun August 6, 2020 2:22 am
    Hopefully that's the case, I'd feel so bad for him if he got sent to hell, hell's gotta be a scary place fujomie

    Now I'm curious about Mr. Grim Reaper and Jun...

fujomie August 3, 2020 10:51 am

hetian saw xixi taking care of jianyi and got jealous aww

also he tricked momo twice, first with the ketchup and now with a fake broken arm lmao what a troll

fujomie August 2, 2020 11:22 pm

I couldn't even concentrate on the sexy scenes near the end because I kept thinking about Masayuki and how UNFAIR everything is to him. He kept his distance and never confessed for 3 YEARS out of respect for Keito since he's straight and only viewed him as a friend, then some rando foreigner dude who sleeps around FORCES A TONGUE DOWN KEITO'S THROAT and Keito be like "ohh I can't forget the taste of his sweet sweet tongue~" like wtf I'd be terrified and sick to my stomach if a stranger forced a french kiss on me.

So basically Gino sexually harassed Keito into loving him. I mean most yaoi plots are like that and I honestly don't mind but when you put in a 2nd lead who RESPECTS the uke and has loved him one-sidedly for 3 WHOLE YEARS I'd be mad pissed at the uke for changing his sexual orientation and falling in love with a newly introduced guy so quickly.

Still gonna give it 4 stars tho cuz Gino mad hot but #JusticeforMasayuki

    fujomie August 3, 2020 10:41 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! won

    Keito should just end up with Shinya he's the only good boy in the manga.

    But tbh I don't think Masayuki would've ended up raping Keito, with his personality I think he'd snap out of it once he sees Keito's scared look or smt. I mean he's been controlling himself for 3 whole years, would he just suddenly ruin everything in one instance? Quite unlikely. Still doesn't excuse him for "attempting" it tho.

    Arie-chan August 4, 2020 7:25 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! won

    I was so scared when you said that while i was reading chp 3 but bro don't scare me he only "touched" him is the right term.

    juleeey August 6, 2020 4:34 am

    No disrespect, this is my own opinion. If he says that he didnt confess out of respect then thats kinda BS for me. So what if he's straight? He couldve confessed, rejected and get a closure but instead, he forced himself at the guy he supposedly respected for 3yrs because some other guy is brave enough to do it. At least the italiano over there got the guts to do something bold (bad but what can we do this is yaoi. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜) For me what he did was a cowardly move.

    fujomie August 6, 2020 10:27 am
    No disrespect, this is my own opinion. If he says that he didnt confess out of respect then thats kinda BS for me. So what if he's straight? He couldve confessed, rejected and get a closure but instead, he forc... juleeey

    Ayy I respect your opinion but I don't think it was a cowardly move tho, but more like he knew it was pointless. Keito already knew about Masayuki's crush and Masayuki knew that Keito was aware of his feelings. It wasn't clear closure but he'd already gotten indirect closure since Keito didn't respond to his flirting and chose to ignore his feelings. Imo it wouldn't make a difference if he confessed, Keito already indirectly rejected him by ignoring his feelings for 3 whole years but Masayuki still couldn't move on from him.

    Wouldn't you be mad if you were in Masayuki's shoes? I'm gonna assume you're a straight girl okay: Imagine you fell in love with a strictly gay guy and you know it's pointless to confess so you don't because you don't wanna creep him out and ruin your friendship. Here comes a new girl you both just met and boom after like 1 month suddenly the guy you've known to be gay your whole life turns straight because this new girl forcefully kissed him on the first day they met. So yeah I'm not saying that Keito should've chosen Masayuki, I just think that it's super unrealistic to just fall for someone who harassed you and literally said "I wanna fuck you" on the first few days you've met. I'd call the police on him for sexual harassment tbh.

    juleeey August 6, 2020 11:16 am
    Ayy I respect your opinion but I don't think it was a cowardly move tho, but more like he knew it was pointless. Keito already knew about Masayuki's crush and Masayuki knew that Keito was aware of his feelings.... fujomie

    Yeah, id fucking freak out and ehhhh prolly call the police too if someone shoved his tongue down in my throat on the first day. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ if that was me, id prolly confess then accept defeat but also thank the person for rejecting me properly (not that everyone can do that. Just what id do if i were in his place) And yeah i think you're right. The uke did know the other semes feeling and but chose to ignore it. He just apologized when all hell broke loose. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    fujomie August 6, 2020 12:07 pm
    Yeah, id fucking freak out and ehhhh prolly call the police too if someone shoved his tongue down in my throat on the first day. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ if that was me, id prolly confess then accept defeat but also ... juleeey

    Mhmm, glad you understand things from my perspective (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I'd also prefer if Masayuki confessed then gave up, but seriously Keito is in the wrong here for not rejecting him outright.

    tamia August 6, 2020 9:56 pm

    I agree... it was so painful to see Masayuki like this.
    I hope a spin off for him.

    And i can't understand Keito...

    iamb August 9, 2020 7:14 am

    The fact of the matter is you can't control chemistry and who you like/love/are attracted to. he didn't feel that way about Masayuki, even knowing him all that time. No one's fault..Masayuki can have regrets about not confessing, but it would have ended the same. Also, no one is obligated to be with some because that person likes them.

    tamia August 9, 2020 8:16 am
    The fact of the matter is you can't control chemistry and who you like/love/are attracted to. he didn't feel that way about Masayuki, even knowing him all that time. No one's fault..Masayuki can have regrets ab... iamb

    I totally agree with you but it is just that i prefer the other guy....

    It's just my preference... But in the story i knew he has to reject him. It's just painful to see.

    Love is the most beautiful and the worst feeling in the same time. It's also the most unpredictable and of course you can't control the other one feelings. If he did not feel the same you just have to move on. It can take some time...

    And If he feels the same it doesn't mean that everything will be fine all the time.

    Relationships are like that beautiful, complicated, painful, full of joy,... And every relationship is different.

    fujomie August 9, 2020 10:23 am
    The fact of the matter is you can't control chemistry and who you like/love/are attracted to. he didn't feel that way about Masayuki, even knowing him all that time. No one's fault..Masayuki can have regrets ab... iamb

    Not sure if you're replying to me or the reply above you, but I did mention that I wasn't expecting Keito to return Masayuki's feelings in one of the replies. Just gonna copy paste it here so you don't have to read through all the replies~

    "So yeah I'm not saying that Keito should've chosen Masayuki, I just think that it's super unrealistic to just fall for someone who harassed you and literally said "I wanna fuck you" on the first few days you've met. I'd call the police on him for sexual harassment tbh."

    tamia August 9, 2020 9:41 pm
    Not sure if you're replying to me or the reply above you, but I did mention that I wasn't expecting Keito to return Masayuki's feelings in one of the replies. Just gonna copy paste it here so you don't have to ... fujomie

    It was for the reply above me....

    Oh yes you should !! Someone like that is scary. It's just sexual !! You can't know a person just with one day. Moreover he sleep with a lot of people in the same time. He says he want him and sleep with girls because he want sex. "he is not a teenager" ...

    fujomie August 9, 2020 9:44 pm
    It was for the reply above me....Oh yes you should !! Someone like that is scary. It's just sexual !! You can't know a person just with one day. Moreover he sleep with a lot of people in the same time. He says... tamia

    Uhh wait I think you're mistaken, I was actually replying to iamb lol

    tamia August 9, 2020 9:49 pm
    Uhh wait I think you're mistaken, I was actually replying to iamb lol fujomie

    LOL Sorry i'm a little tired and i didn't see the name for the reply.

    fujomie August 9, 2020 10:01 pm
    LOL Sorry i'm a little tired and i didn't see the name for the reply. tamia

    It's alright, go get some sleep (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    tamia August 9, 2020 10:23 pm
    It's alright, go get some sleep (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 fujomie

    that's the plan thanks. Good night...

    Alex August 30, 2020 1:21 pm

    Can't agree more . I skip the sex parts too .

    juleeey August 31, 2020 1:18 am
    I agree... it was so painful to see Masayuki like this.I hope a spin off for him.And i can't understand Keito... tamia

    With the megane right? I sure hope so. (▰˘◡˘▰)

fujomie July 28, 2020 5:10 pm

Damn this be giving me Harada vibes...

Also the sounding scene reminded me of this manga by Zaria:

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