LilTinyVamp answered question about going to concerts
I'll show you guys problematic: Araragi Koyomi Yes I legit love him. I love the Monogatari series so much. It can be questionable, but part of loving something is accepting the flaws and hoping for their improvement, which the series has gotten in that regard. Now, regarding Mr. Araragi, he is not guilty of abusing women or children, in any way po......
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all generations of manga/games/movies/music etc. have good and bad things to offer, and while we might enjoy more things from a certain generation than others, we also just tend to look back at older generations with rose colored glasses. the "rosy retrospection" cognitive bias
LilTinyVamp like the answer
Partly, yes. We are bound to be biased towards nostalgia. That's part of it. The charm of what you know is unbeatable. Then there obv are things in the world and media that are developing in the wrong direction. Video games are very similar nowadays cause companies don't wanna take risks, everything has to be open world and microtransactions. I......
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LilTinyVamp asked question about tired of anime and manga

Does anyone feel that "new bad, old good" boomer mentality get to em sometimes? XP Like I've read hundreds of BL for example and saw hundreds of shows, played tons of video games - and it's like all the old stuff sticks out way more. Almost everything current is already becoming tired or is continuing off stuff started like a decade ago. I thought ......

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LilTinyVamp answered question about try to progress in life
I practice a lot for interviews, but that would throw me off so hard. All I would have to say is, " like what you see?" Followed by, "so you come here often?"
LilTinyVamp answered question about live in omegaverse universe
I agree on the part that if someone wanna shit on it just cuz or shit on others that enjoy it - they deserve to be ignored and fuck off. And yeah if they complain about "omg why is there cannibalism/murder/rape, that's so wrong" when it's like... duh the story is literally listed as horror or there were TWs or the story itself points these things o......
LilTinyVamp answered question about question
The only manga I desperately NEED to block is that accursed one about orcs. Please God, erase those horrors from my mind.

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I like to call it, thinking out loud tyvm

LilTinyVamp answered question about talk to yourself
Here’s something shoegazy, emo, alt-rock even: THE ANDS. Find em on YouTube, Spotify, & SoundCloud. Recommend trying Pine Baron, Parallel, Ghost of You, Euphoria. Inside Out, After All, and Arlequin are songs they did for the game Slow Damage.