all generations of manga/games/movies/music etc. have good and bad things to offer, and while we might enjoy more things from a certain generation than others, we also just tend to look back at older generations with rose colored glasses. the "rosy retrospection" cognitive bias
Partly, yes. We are bound to be biased towards nostalgia. That's part of it. The charm of what you know is unbeatable. Then there obv are things in the world and media that are developing in the wrong direction. Video games are very similar nowadays cause companies don't wanna take risks, everything has to be open world and microtransactions. I......

I'm very awkward and anxious around people. I dont know what I have really but I'll tell you what's up with me. I find it hard to go outside (I rarely do) even though the thought of just exploring is amazing because everytime I even see a person nearby, I don't know what to do and become severely anxious. I think that they judge me while passing by......
Anyone else just not as interested in new manga/shows/etc as you get older?