I'm sort of glad they uploaded here. Do not think that mangago uploads anymore chapters but thanks to it being uploaded here and many linking the original host in the comments then more people will know about it and read it there. I didn't know about this comic or about tapas until I decided to check it out here. I will now be going to tapas to read Valentine there but whether it should be taken down I don't this so, I just think that more shouldn't be uploaded. Maybe the should just link to the original at then so people will go read it there...

The artist said it was uploaded without her consent and is going to try to get it taken down.
I have a theory about Si Yeon. The president has mentioned that she controlled every aspect of Ha Jin's life. What if that flashback of Si Yeon is from before she was fucked up, she saw something she shouldn't have was taken in, mind fuck to this point to be the perfect cover up for Ha Jin? I would explain the split personality that she has, maybe she formed a different personality that would protect her when she was in danger (the crazy personality). I could be totally wrong and it still wouldn't excuse her from cheating on Ha Jin.
By the way so happy the president bitch face is dead. Ding dong that bitch is dead. Now wouldn't mind if Ha Ri and Si Yeon died to much crazy....