(๑•ㅂ•)و✧Hey crew! I recently got two blogs up but I can't decide if it's okay to promote them here or not so I'm asking before anything else. Is it? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Woo!! https://otakuerotica.tumblr.com/ https://mamajosei.tumblr.com/ Heres the links! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Long story short I'm kinda secretly a pervy Fujoshi that loves yaoi yuri and ecchi but I don't want anyone especially my friends/family to know How ( ̄∇ ̄") hard is it to like have this double persona online? And do any of you guys do it too???

It's pretty easy for me and sometimes hard because I don't have much privacy even if I want it. Cause I share a room with my sister even though she's not always there. Also anyone in my family can just walk into my room. I mean I could lock the door but that's just making it hard for me since I'm lazy and don't want to get out of bed. So pretty hard to hide it sometimes especially when my sister is right next to me

im not a hardcore fujoshi but i do enjoy reading yaoi/shounen ai and i don't think there's any problem in expressing to others on what you like, but it's a safe choice to not tell your parents lol especially if they are homophobic. I still talk to my friends about it though, and they're pretty chill about it, even if they have no idea what yaoi is.

Well its not to hard to keep it a secret my parents havent found out yet and i've been reading this stuff for like 5 yrs, but my sister knows bc we used to share a computer also i dont think you should be scared to tell friends bc last while walking home with one of my best friends i found out she was into this shit tooo and now we show each other mangas (yaoi) that we like and its really fun

It's not hard at all for me. My family doesn't really suspect anything, and I'm usually pretty quick at hiding it if they look at my screen. I'm also good at keeping a poker face. I have a friend I met online and we typically text a lot, so I told him that I like it and he doesn't seem to mind. Though, he does have a problem with it when I try to get him to watch shounen ai/yaoi anime with me. Other than him, I don't have any other friends, but if I were to make some, I wouldn't have a problem with telling them about it. ( ̄∇ ̄")

My family mostly knows but they don't care. I was teased a bit and my sister kind of freaked out on me but eventually everyone moved on. In my case I was careless (didn't delete history, was oblivious enough to watch Elven Lied in the living room). If you really don't want people to know just don't be careless like I was.

*Elfen Lied (oops)

Just recently I decided to just be open about my hobby. So my family knows that I like yaoi stuff and love to read ecchi yaoi/BL, they even know that I start to do translation too LOL As for my friends, they all know that I'm a hardcore fujoshi, they even sent me yaoi manga on my birthday as present ^^ Well the beginning is not that smooth sailing, I lose some friends but I gained a few. My family just let me be since not like I did something unforgivable hehehe Just that when I read ecchi manga in front of my mom, I have to tell her "I'm reading adult stuff that is between guys, please don't look at my phone" and she would just look away XDDDDD

Also I think my brother knows but I'm not sure because he did say that I read yaoi once when we were talking but not sure if he knew or was joking cause he sounded like he was joking and he does know that mangago has a lot of yaoi manga. I tried to play off cool but pretty sure I failed.Also my sis was there when we were talking so now not sure if she also knows but either ways they seem to be treating me the same and not making much of a fuss about it

Yeah, i'm glad that they are really understanding, but it took me a lot of courage to tell them about it though. Because I don't like that I kept on "lying" to them that I'm just reading a book when I'm reading a yaoi manga, and I don't want to have to keep denying the 1TB manga in my hard drive is not mine >.> it's really not cool. So it was a all or nothing shot. And luckily, my mom has a hunch too, and she said "that's fine, as long as it doesn't hinder your work and study, then you can like whatever you want, it's your hobby" ^^

Delete your history always. You never know when someone will use your devices even if they don't ask. The obvious is don't watch ecchi or yaoi in the living room. (Lol) If you buy manga or anime hide your collection. Or if you buy digital put it on a flash drive or something (and don't lose it). Stuff like that. Only read or watch when alone. It's easy simple things but I was careless as hell when I was younger.

I don't care what others think of my preference if they caught me reading. I prefer to be a silent reader, so when I get caught, I either denied or ignore it. However, when my privacy is invaded, i.e they checked my browser and so on then they have breached my trust. Family or close friends, they have lost my trust. For a fucking yaoi.

Once I was reading kuroneko no kareshi and you know it shows everything, its smutty mature well drawn sex and my 5 years old sis come and asked me what that guy was doing to that other guy and I told her nervously he was hitting him on his ass because he was a bad boy and she never asked me about it anymore and I sometimes DUDES WATCH GAY PORN AND MY FATHER AND MOTHER CAN BE LIKE NEAR ME OR WE CAN BE IN THE SAME ROOM.and that's scary but I do it anyway but not often and I'm afraid of getting caught then I'd they know what I read I'm dead.
But yeah I don't share my hobby with anyone except some stranger who are fujoshis like me on the internet.
Not my family not my friends not anyone except one friend but she's not that much into it or idk she's hiding it probably not sure but yeah.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

I would say I have an invasion privacy from my family not like I don't have privacy but I mean anyone in my family just walks into my room, uses my electronics and one time I ordered a cute eraser online and when I got home from school my package with the eraser was opened by my parents and they asked me why I bought the eraser. I want to buy yaoi manga but I can't take chances

Heyo! Im a bit new here and some recommendations would be very apperciated (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ It can range from anything! I'm open to about any kind of manga but yaoi would be prefered ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Thank you in advance!

Madarame Hiro's works are great as well as funny, so I'm sure you'll like it! Beautiful Days has a bit of angst, but it's a good read.
Aishuu is a vanilla yaoi work with a main theme of unrequited love. The author has drawn a ton of mangas so you should check it out.
Yamane Ayano's manga Finder is so good, as well as beautiful. One of my first :)
All of these have pretty great art styles, so it shouldn't be hard to look at. You should also just go here if you want to find what most people deem pretty good:
Hope you like it!

Hmmm, here are some manga that I've really enjoyed in the past. I've put a quick label under each so that you have the general gist of what type they are. (sorry for my random capitalization)
(Mainly Comedy with currently a bit of romance)
(Dark, Depressing, & Romantic - BL)
(Great Comedy & Romance - BL)
(Totally Hilarious & full of awkward Romantic attempts)
(Romance, Humor, & Action - BL )
(Totally adorable Romance - BL)
(Romance & Comedy full of lots of secrets & misunderstandings)
(Comedy & Action, one of my firsts & favorites)
(Dark & Action, beautiful and powerful art)
(Dancing, occasional darkness, & eventual Romance, again great art and moving story)

welcome to mangago!
And bruh you need to try these if you didnt get to them yet. they are all really popular (for good reasons) and romantic
(series--of the same couple, if you enjoy these read the sequels of this specific couple you'll find in the authors works)
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ I keep hearing, of this thing called OmegaVerse.. so what is it?
Omegaverse is in which males can get pregnant. It isn't always the most popular AU, but it is still used by others. In this system, there are three main roles: Alpha, Beta, and Omega.
im not that good at explaining so here's my omegaverse list:
Ooooh! Thanks for the explanation! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
this picture from an omegaverse mangaka should explain it.