mei asked question about question

I have like 5 other back up accounts so 'people' (Y'all know who I'm talking) can report me all they want. You are a bad person so you got called out, nothing to be butthurt about here

mei followed a goer

aslfua enthusiast

12 07,2021
mei followed a goer
12 07,2021
mei answered question about comic recommendations
Anyone who tells me about their kinks without asking (especially the disgusting ones like shit kinks) will be kink shamed. No one wants to know, keep it to yourself.
mei followed a goer


12 07,2021
mei followed a goer
12 07,2021
mei followed a goer

What you lookin at hehe

12 07,2021
mei followed a goer


12 07,2021
mei followed a goer

pronouns: she/her
sexuality: pansexual

i obsess over things too much and lose interest fast

I AM A WHORE FOR ISEKAI If you got some isekai, gimmeeeee

12 07,2021
mei asked question about question

I don't think anyone remembers me but yes lol