As a woman what gave you the audacity to use the word twink in such a derogatory way? I swear some of you read BL and lose common sense. You realise you are acting homophobic af right?
We're reading a homosexual love story, man. Calling someone a twink is not derogatory even if in some insulting way because it's not a slur at all and people are just calling that character a twink because he's a twink. And, we hate him because he's annoying not because he likes men.
people here who are referring to seonhwa as a twink ARE using it derogatorily.
example sentences that have been used (comments from a couple days ago, because that's when I took notice of them) include: "my hatred for manhwa twinks was so validated here" "get lost twinkle twinkle little star" "twink removal operation start!"
like, you don't ever see bottoms being referred to as twinks in other series on this website. but somehow now that there's an unlikeable character who can fit the meaning of twink, he's referred to as twink almost exclusively?? and always in a rude way?? how would anyone else interpret the constant use of twink here, if it isn't meant to be an insult.
also "twink is not a slur at all so therefore it's never going to be derogatory". monkey isn't a slur either but if a person of colour was called a monkey to dehumanise them, that's clearly racism. context matters, and in this case, twink IS used in an insulting way and in a derogatory way
oh man i didn’t know twink is a derogatory term. is it kind of like using fag on people without their consent, but people pretend they are reclaiming it or that it’s ok because they are gay themselves?
We're reading a homosexual love story, man. Calling someone a twink is not derogatory even if in some insulting way because it's not a slur at all and people are just calling that character a twink because he's... Jing
What you're saying makes no sense. Reading a gay story doesn't suddenly give you a right to use terms for the LGBTQ+ community. This is the issue I have with straight people who read these stories, you guys don't take the time to actually appreciate queer love or respect queer people. You just fetishise us
i agree with your observation.people here who are referring to seonhwa as a twink ARE using it derogatorily. example sentences that have been used (comments from a couple days ago, because that's when I took no... hmc
OMG EXACTLYTY. You said everything so perfectly. It is clear as day they are using it in a derogatory manner, context can truly change the meaning of the word and on the first page the comments are literally people saying "I hate twinks" "ew twink" like wtf...
oh man i didn’t know twink is a derogatory term. is it kind of like using fag on people without their consent, but people pretend they are reclaiming it or that it’s ok because they are gay themselves? sventeens
in simple terms: the issue here isn't whether or not twink is a slur. this isn't a binary checklist that goes "twink is a slur and therefore people using it should be ashamed unless they're gay themselves / twink isn't a slur and therefore anyone and their grandpa can use it".
the issue here is that some people in the comments are using twink as an insult. there's an unlikeable character in this series that can be described with a word that is exclusively associated with the (real life male) gay community. and people are using that word to bash this unlikeable character - when in other series, where the slim male character is likeable, the word "bottom" or "uke" is used instead.
so what does this all mean? it means, when someone is calling you out for homophobic behaviour, instead of going on the defensive by saying "actually twink isn't a slur and therefore no one is being insulted here" and using textbook definitions to win your argument (textbook definitions don't ever have the required context!), try instead: reflect on the context and think about why that person is interpreting your behaviour as being homophobic
What you're saying makes no sense. Reading a gay story doesn't suddenly give you a right to use terms for the LGBTQ+ community. This is the issue I have with straight people who read these stories, you guys don... Woolima
Straight? Did you just assume my sexuality? I'm queer myself and what I am saying is twink isn't a slur and no one is being homophobic here because no one is being hateful to that character because he is gay. On top of that, you guys should stop thinking that only homosexuals are queer people.
Straight? Did you just assume my sexuality? I'm queer myself and what I am saying is twink isn't a slur and no one is being homophobic here because no one is being hateful to that character because he is gay. O... Jing
Who said only homosexuals are queer people bffr? Someone literally said they hate twinks. Like please use common sense to see how they are using twink in a derogatory manner holy shit
in simple terms: the issue here isn't whether or not twink is a slur. this isn't a binary checklist that goes "twink is a slur and therefore people using it should be ashamed unless they're gay themselves / twi... hmc
Wow, thanks for being condescending - I was genuinely interested to learn, but hm now I’m wondering if people are raising this as a way to act morally superior.
Wow, thanks for being condescending - I was genuinely interested to learn, but hm now I’m wondering if people are raising this as a way to act morally superior. sventeens
didn't mean to be condescending - apologies if it came off that way let me know where/how it came off as condescending
As a woman what gave you the audacity to use the word twink in such a derogatory way? I swear some of you read BL and lose common sense. You realise you are acting homophobic af right?
We're reading a homosexual love story, man. Calling someone a twink is not derogatory even if in some insulting way because it's not a slur at all and people are just calling that character a twink because he's a twink. And, we hate him because he's annoying not because he likes men.
i agree with your observation.
people here who are referring to seonhwa as a twink ARE using it derogatorily.
example sentences that have been used (comments from a couple days ago, because that's when I took notice of them) include: "my hatred for manhwa twinks was so validated here" "get lost twinkle twinkle little star" "twink removal operation start!"
like, you don't ever see bottoms being referred to as twinks in other series on this website. but somehow now that there's an unlikeable character who can fit the meaning of twink, he's referred to as twink almost exclusively?? and always in a rude way?? how would anyone else interpret the constant use of twink here, if it isn't meant to be an insult.
also "twink is not a slur at all so therefore it's never going to be derogatory". monkey isn't a slur either but if a person of colour was called a monkey to dehumanise them, that's clearly racism. context matters, and in this case, twink IS used in an insulting way and in a derogatory way
oh man i didn’t know twink is a derogatory term. is it kind of like using fag on people without their consent, but people pretend they are reclaiming it or that it’s ok because they are gay themselves?
What you're saying makes no sense. Reading a gay story doesn't suddenly give you a right to use terms for the LGBTQ+ community. This is the issue I have with straight people who read these stories, you guys don't take the time to actually appreciate queer love or respect queer people. You just fetishise us
OMG EXACTLYTY. You said everything so perfectly. It is clear as day they are using it in a derogatory manner, context can truly change the meaning of the word and on the first page the comments are literally people saying "I hate twinks" "ew twink" like wtf...
Idc how many of you downvote. You clearly fit the description of what I said. Fetishiser weirdos
in simple terms: the issue here isn't whether or not twink is a slur. this isn't a binary checklist that goes "twink is a slur and therefore people using it should be ashamed unless they're gay themselves / twink isn't a slur and therefore anyone and their grandpa can use it".
the issue here is that some people in the comments are using twink as an insult. there's an unlikeable character in this series that can be described with a word that is exclusively associated with the (real life male) gay community. and people are using that word to bash this unlikeable character - when in other series, where the slim male character is likeable, the word "bottom" or "uke" is used instead.
so what does this all mean? it means, when someone is calling you out for homophobic behaviour, instead of going on the defensive by saying "actually twink isn't a slur and therefore no one is being insulted here" and using textbook definitions to win your argument (textbook definitions don't ever have the required context!), try instead: reflect on the context and think about why that person is interpreting your behaviour as being homophobic
Straight? Did you just assume my sexuality? I'm queer myself and what I am saying is twink isn't a slur and no one is being homophobic here because no one is being hateful to that character because he is gay. On top of that, you guys should stop thinking that only homosexuals are queer people.
Who said only homosexuals are queer people bffr? Someone literally said they hate twinks. Like please use common sense to see how they are using twink in a derogatory manner holy shit
Wow, thanks for being condescending - I was genuinely interested to learn, but hm now I’m wondering if people are raising this as a way to act morally superior.
didn't mean to be condescending - apologies if it came off that way
let me know where/how it came off as condescending