You are a Dramatic Uke! You are a tortured soul, and your main activity in life is getting tortured. In fact, you probably wouldn't be happy without something to moan and whine about, which makes you a perfect match for the Sadistic Seme. You are willing to give your body and soul to your partner, putting yourself under their complete control in an effort to escape the pain of your tragic past, although you know deep down there is never an escape. Most compatible with: Sadistic Seme Least compatible with: Don't Fuck With Me Seme, Romantic Seme
25378 people have received this result since 3-29-08.
Iltak’s neon green shorts is the sluttiest thing he wears. There should be a perfume made out of the musk that was marinating in there for all the days he didn’t shower this Iltak's sister?
Definitely his sister.
She should wring the sweat from his clothes extracting it into a spray bottle and spritz it onto Hyunwoo's belongings so it will psychologically tune him to be thinking about Iltak more often
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