Who knows this specific yaoi , where the uke is all cute and stuff ,he works at company and hides from his parents that his gay .But he is admiring this seme who is a cutie and handsome man They go drink together later at the ukes house ,but shit he wakes up all tied up .The mam he thought was innocent and handsome ,and he thought he will never have is actually into him and is a sadist .Not to mention that in later chapters uke and seme goes to confess together to the ukes family he is gay and stuff ...if ya know this one please tell me.I am desperate to find it .ಥ_ಥ

I search for a manga I read but can't find it in my library anymore .It's about a blond girl who works at a sorta game design company .She was so addicted to pleasure she even masturbated in the office bathroom often .She stayed at a residence with a dude whith whom later she makes a deal to become temporarily his girlfriend .And after,they do it literally everywhere ,in every way possible .If someone knows thus manhwa ,please tell me ^^

I am searching for an yaoi .The uke is a virgin who masturbated a lot of times on erotic novels since his teeneage years,and he loves a certain author's works .One day he meets him at the station or smth and the smeme drops his things .That the uke helps and goes home with him .In the end uke is being teased cuz of lack sexual experience and that seme faps him till the point that in the end he ascks the Ile to be his inspiration for those novels .I really wanna know if it updated but I can't find it at all ;-;-;

I really want to ask smth,cuz I have struggles.You see I try to practice and train myself using real life as my teacher and some internet tutorials ,but mum said that only a teacher can help me to improve.The thing is that I want to work in gaming design and animation ,an art school cant train me for that ,I think,.So is more efficient a real teacher then yourself ?

My brother and I (and most of our family) honestly trust more in ourselves than teachers, so I completely support teaching yourself. Plus you can work at your own pace, and build your own style. Of course, you may need to consult a professional every once in a while too, cause online tutorials can't cover everything. It really depends on which you think you're more proficient doing.

going to an art school is recommended cause it's not only the lessons but the experience of working with other people and the future recommendations and opportunities that might be offered to you if you have connections. although, being self-taught is great as well as long as you're really passionate and determined to be where you want to be on your own.

Thanks for exprecing your opinion and I think you are right.I mean I draw smth and ask for constructive criticism everytime I need .Tutorials can't helpanytime but they are eficient .I din't like teachers cuz they .........its strange to learn art from them they canonly give advice not actually teach.Self teaching is important and its theonly way to improve I think,cuz like I said real world andnature is our only true teacher.

also i think sum reason why most art teacher hate anime style is because they think it's a distraction if you really wanna learn how to draw realistically(?) so maybe you can make it clear to them that your intentions for going to that course and learning the basics is to end up in the field of animation.

How did ppl managed to become so good at art and even draw mangas?I am sure they actually are Gods and humans cant draw like that -_-.Does practice even help?I have been trying to undersand anatomy and shit butaround me are looking like :Dude justunderstand you cantdraw its useless.All my drawings are shit so my dream drawing a manga or become an animator is just a dream.So plase make explane me how to become good like them?Cuz i am so dissapointed in myself ;-;.Drawing is only thing I love but itdoesnt look like everyone is happy to see it.I feel ashamed and guilty to myself .I dont know what else to do.
( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ ╥﹏╥

How long have you had this passion? Give yourself a goal and time limit. Plan how many more years you're going to persue this with all your might then when the time limit hits and you haven't achieved the goal, give up and find other passions. Best so you don't dwell doing something you're not good at. And if you reach your goal then you've opened up a chance to be a manga author.
Btw practice does help a lot.

PRACTICE EVERY DAY SIS. I've been drawing literally all of my life and I consider myself pretty good at art, but tbh EVERY ARTIST has room to improve. For example; the authors of your fave manga might be good at drawing manga but can be considered weak in different art styles.
Don't be impatient when it comes to art, it takes time and practice and eventually you will a c h i e v e. ALSO, who cares if other people don't like your art? As long as your happy with it then you gucci.

I was copying for like 3 years ,only copying and 2 years ago I started creating myself .But i dont want smth else to it was my dream like from childhood ╥﹏╥.I cant give up on smthi love so easy .But why,even if I loveit so much nothing works and i have no reason to live at all.It makes me cry everytime i think i fail and like an idiot i still drawing for dontknow why.I am stupid,and idiot i better die then not working as somaone i want (/TДT)/ ╥﹏╥

i still can't draw well but i'm definitely better than i was three years ago lol. i don't even draw that much but it's good to draw consistently yknow. smth i recommend is just drawing, like don't stop and erase because the face is not round enough or smth, just draw the whole thing and do it again if you wanna get better.
this is rly good tutorial imo for drawing basic anime girl faces, it can probably apply to guys as well. https://youtu.be/slPzJ8O8fDE
watch tutorials and anime or read manga lol. oh yeah maybe learn anatomy too? like how to draw the body bc that's smth a lot of artists say they wished they learned from the beginning

Drawing is a skill. It takes a lot of time and effort to be good at it. If drawing makes you happy, then fuck what other people say. Don't be cowed by other people's opinions. Just take it as motivation to get even better and prove them wrong.
My first "art" advice to you is to join an art class - it could be in school, at your community center, anywhere. I think most beginner art classes are great places for encouragement and learning. There you'll be able to find others who share your passion and will not make fun of you for trying to improve.
My second advice is to consciously make the decision to change and improve your art. The time period where I made the most improvement was when I consciously decided that I was no longer going to draw in my previous style. I had the skills to draw better, but I had allowed myself to think that I couldn't so I became stuck as a mediocre artist. After acknowledging that I COULD do better and that I had no excuse to continue drawing like that, my art got tremendously better. So stop putting yourself down and stay positive. You can do it.

People usually study in manga schools for a few years before going into the industry and it takes a lot of effort but it is DEFINITELY NOT IMPOSSIBLE no matter what level you are. I hope you keep up drawing if you enjoy it!

I want to start drawing a manga ,but ik how unskilled i am,ik i should practice and thats what i am doing everyday.But i get down on my knees everytime i see my shit drawings and that makes me feel like I AM SO DUMB THAT ICANT STUDY ANYTHING.I WILL NEVER IMPROVE CUZ I HAVE NO TALENT.Everytime parents see that i am drawing they give me that sarcastic glare and say (Bitch)Its no use you have no talent. ( ̄ε(# ̄)ΣAnd they being so mean cuz think that i willnever draw good anyway.......My dream is crushed into peaces ,,,,,,,,,(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜i wanna die seriosly like drawing is the only thing i love doing and hearing that from my parents makes me wanna suicide( ̄∇ ̄"),cuz this is the only thing i want to do with myslef ╥﹏╥

All you gotta do is practice everyday, you'll never get better overnight. Draw things you like and look up YouTube vids for anatomy tricks. From my experience you can't draw anime well without knowing anatomy. Jumping right into stylized work is probably what makes your art look a lil wonky. But all in all, practice practice practice. I've been drawing everyday since i was 9 amd im 19 now and i wouldnt say my art is the best but it's definitely a huge improvement from the beginning

My advice for your art is to draw a picture at least once a day, try using those apps that teach you step by step how to draw as this could help you start breaking down images so it's easier to draw. I used to be complete shit when I started drawing, like my drawings had no neck or arms sometimes but drawing almost every day helped me get comfortable with those shit drawings and now I could still use some work but I do anime portraits.
As for suicide try expressing that to your family and if not that use those feelings and try putting it into your art. I know how hard it is when you think suicide is the only answer but this is no reason to end your life. You need to somewhat like your drawings for them to truly blossom, you won't ever improve if you draw without liking your art at least a bit cause it's okay to be critical about your art but don't hate it it's your baby.

┗( T﹏T )┛Well I like what I drew everytime when i finish i look at it and say YESSS THATS THE SPIRIT KEEPIT UP.But when i look up to my Senpais i am like ....................Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)............... ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ.And that is true.Its impossible to draw that good.I have no talent.But idk,i am too stressed ,or maybe just sick of living.........i dont understand myself sometimes .But thanks for the effort to answear me ,i feel a little better and it helped a little ...ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

I have been friends with someone for a certain time.Now something happened and IDK why she hates me.Like I am really confuced.I did get angry at her one time so I imidiatly apologise,me and my temper God,and really she even tell everybody behind my back that hates me.IDK whatto do I feel like I wanna kill myself or something,I never been hated by someone and more Idk the reason why?I think I am dieing inside guys.Please help me ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
( ̄- ̄")

You don't need her, just forget about her and find better friend, and please don't kill yourself, life is too valuable to be wasted because of people who are like her. But if you really want to know why she hates you try being alone and talking with her, if she doesn't tell you why, like I said, forget about her, you don't need her

She is very direct ,and was rude to me sometimes cuz she often says whats on her mind and if she doesnt like something about you or what you are doing she says it with out hesitation.About friends looks like I made a mistake showing her one of them cuz it looks like she wants to take her from me ╥﹏╥

I think your friend is in love with you

Do you know something about a manga where the uke comes to the semes house all drunk and starts to masturbate .The seme is shocked but after all helps him and the uke even gives him a blow job.After the that the first chapter starts with them having sex .......intense .And after that Ile moves to the semes house .....Help

How do you guys understand the meaning of romantism?The ideea of a romantic person,or to fell in love with someone.I dont know since I am not a romantic person and want to know about your opinions

Romanticism is a western historical movement in philosophy, art, music and literature, which you can easily google.
Then there is the contemporary romance genre of fiction and film, which is a niche and has to do with feminine id and sexual expression.
Then there is a marketing strategy called romance which is about moving products and services which are supposed to signal that a woman is loved: Valentine's Day = red roses, lingerie and chocolate; engagement = ring; wedding = big to-do with family and friends, white dress, etc.. Often, there is a huge disparity between what women actually feel and think is romantic, and what the market declares is romantic. True romance is a very personal expression, and for people who think they aren't romantic, it's more likely that they don't feel sympathetic to what is being marketed as romance.

I see romanticism, of the relationship sort, to consist of affection, possessiveness, protectiveness, and a desire to make your partner happy.
Ex.: An adorable kitty-boy loves his master unconditionally, reveling in the affection directed towards him, while his master strives to protect the kitty and keep him content, taking him out to all kinds of places, showing him all kinds of new sights, and stealing kisses(and more) when the mood peaks in just the right way.
where can I find the spanish version of this