BOY what the FUCK kind of Germaine Greer pederast ass title is this??? Lmfaoooo

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of Open at Night

This is some gooooood secondhand embarrassment ngl. This poor idiot...

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of The King's Seed

It's really optimistic for him to think that King dude learned anything whatsoever

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of Love in Orbit

LMAO that evilass smile at the end He won and he knows it. Good for him, good for him.

The way Sohan handled things with his dad was good tho imo. Gave him the opportunity to fix things, extended the olive branch, etc. Dad made the choice to still be a dick, so now things between them can be done for real without any "what if"s or loose ends. Hope that means Sohan can move on properly from all that, finally.

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of The Duke's Debt


PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Oh so NOW we're all turnin on the white haired guy huh? Y'all so fake, a lil bit of gore and brutality and torture and flaying and killing and violence & ur sooo quick to leave. Well NOT ME! I hope he gets his chance to fuck that boy up just a lil bit. Good for him! BE YOURSELF, WHITE HAIRED GUY, DONT LET THE HATERS HOLD U BACK

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon


Nice that this didn't drag on for 60 years like this author's other comic loll

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of The Hole is Open

"Are u eating well? U are all skin and bones!" She says to the woman with the fattest tits this side of the equator. LMFAO.

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of Devil on Top

WHAT THE FUCK IS EVEN GOING ON IN THIS STORY ANYMOOOOOORRREEEEEEEEEEE (I still gonna keep coming back every week tho I got no dignity)

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of Love in Orbit

At least it's just a 1 week break. I think I can survive that long without alien yaoi.....maybe........

Both these bitches have a personality disorder or two it seems

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of Misunderstanding

Why is his taint soooo long and why does he keep his lube in one of those food service style sauce bottles? Bitch that is for MAYONNAISE not PERSONAL LUBRICANT, and your taint is TOO LONG! GET IT TOGETHER!!

Ok this comic just went from annoying to actually dogshit. Might actually drop it, this isn't worth it anymore tbh. Everyone on earth is in love with this pathetic weepy doormat of a woman and I hope they all die badly.

PPL READING THE RAWS: does this actually become MPREG or nah? It seems like it's gonna, but in the slim chance that it doesn't, I don't wanna drop it for no good reason. I just want off Mr Mpreg's Wild Ride if that is indeed what we are on rn.

This poor boy is down SO BAD. Down REALLY BAD. Down TERRIBLE. Down CATASTROPHIC.

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of Perfect Leash

This is great so far tbh! The crazy dude is a lot of fun, I'm liking him a lot & I DO love to watch a man suffer, especially homoerotically.

PEEPEE- DRINKER created a topic of Groan

Comics that were drawn by an individual who has never seen a human before in their life & has only a vague understanding of how the human body is supposed to look.

That's his secret...he's always livestock aphrodisiac tier horny......u can't hurt him with this weak crap

Why are people virtue signaling in these comments brooooo like why would you even click on it? Look at the cover, it's clearly noncon, you obviously won't like it, yet you STILL click on it knowing it's gonna bother u and then sit there and type out a stupid whiny ass "rape is bad" comment? Like ur doing God's work coming in here to enlighten all us filthy ~literal rape apologists~? Lmao??? Go outside, find a big rock, and hit yourself in the head with it until you are unconscious I'm begging