What’s empowering to women depends on the woman, if u as a straight women find stories about mlm and their sexual relationships empowering good for u ig, but like what was the liberating part for u, I’m curious
Too much shits bro I bite my nails, scratch my tiddies and scalp 24/7, bite off the skin on my lips, blink too much, shake my legs, rest my hand on my pussy, grind my teeth together, talk to myself, rock myself back and forth, and am pretty much always masturbating when my ass got nothin' else to do.
Dude, the thing that's wrong with fujoshi and BL is fetishizing gay relationships, but saying that you can't read gay mangas if you are not gay is just stupid. It's like saying you can't read any queer literature or watch queer movies if you are not part of that said group (gay, lesbian, etc.). So yes, the fujoshi culture is wrong, it is harmful, a......
Reading yaoi is empowering to woman. all misogynists will say otherwise.