Yes yes yes , I called it , uhm sweetie noona thing what ever u call ur self please kindly uhm ... what's the word fuck off . We are finally progressing after yrs of pain , please don't confuse nakyum even more . Seungho is finally in a place I'd like to call the grief stage , he is realizing and accumulating all the bullshit he has done , and I'd like to think ,it's improvement thanks to the old dude bless him ... and for y'all losers who think they can u know talk smack about this book , it's fiction and u knew what u were signing up for too late to complain .
Hey guys I'd like to ask if any one could recommend me any BL MANGA or manhwa or WEBTOON , where the seme ex lover or wife ( female) comes back and tries to spoil the relationship between the mcs , and makes the uke jealous or something .... or even the seme having arranged marriage while dating the uke . Thank you ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
I finally get it shin " ur a victim " my asssss. He is just running away now, and now it's extremely disrespectful to Wolfgang love I can't believe Ulysses let this slide . What did shin think he was trying to do , really he thought he could go there in that condition . I am glad Wolfgang decided to use his authority over him . Shin needs to wake up and stop projecting this idea of extreme perfection onto Wolfgang . It's toxic . To me this kind of love is more toxic than nakyum and seungho . At least in potn its obvious toxicity that can't go unoticed but shins the kind that grooms ... he wants to groom Wolfgang to be something he doesn't want to be all in the name of a perfect kingdom he forgot to realize that Wolfgang is also human .
At least maybe now he can finally see what's infront of him . Which is Wolfgang . The fact that everyone is rooting for them and wants them to be in a relationship it's only shin that can't see it and thinks ppl want Wolfgang to have a queen just tells me shin is a big fat dunce .... I used to love this boy gosh how far we have come
Hmmm. I think that the reason why shin is really wants to be a person to ensure he stays in a place where he shines the brightest and will spare no effort for that to happen. Time and time again Shin has proven that he will literally lay down his life just to keep Wolfgang on the throne. Wolfgang became a reason for living for him.
Tbh I’m in the same boat as Ulysses. You can’t say that either of them are wrong. And it’s not a conversation an outsider can intervene in. The king wants to go and find a cure for his sick beloved. Then there’s shin not only not wanting Wolfgang to go to such a dangerous place where he could be killed again for a second time bc of his social standing, but also the fact that people rebelled against the royal palace when Wolfgang was absent (at least that’s what I think shin is referring to). If Wolfgang dies, that’s the end of it. No more king. No more leader. No more purpose. They both had valid arguments.
What makes me sad though is that all of his thought precesses up to this point, I’m coming to realize, are proving that Shin only wants to view their relationship as merely subordinate and superior. Which is probably why he asked the lesbian couple what made them realize they were in love with each other..because Shin is only acting out of the duty and desire to keep Wolfgang on the throne and is starting to question the depth of his feelings and if he actually loves Wolfgang or not. He isn’t sure. But for now, he doesn’t want anything to stand in the way of Wolfgang being on the throne and shining as the leader he envisioned
totally agree with you, it feels like a toxic relationship that only feeds each other instead of building each other at this point. and the worse part is Wolf reinforce Shin bad behavior which is really bad for both of them in the end of the day.
maybe if they are apart for a while it will help Shin, but I doubt it. he needs to get that Wolf is a human been too for fuck sake! he never wanted to "shine" or bs like that, he needs to stop his bs projecting already.
I get ur point but shin is obsessing , that is what he is doing , take it like this , let's say I like an apple u give me and I tell u I like apples , and u get me an apple and I love appreciate and cherish it , then tomorrow u get me 5 apples then 100 then 600 , and I try to tell u to stop giving me apples I'm fine but u never listen and keep buying and buying and buying , I don't want it , I like apples yeah that doesn't mean that's all I want . I don't know if that made any sense but shin needs to talk to wolf gang both of them need to talk and they need to know the stat of their relationship . Be open with one another . Maybe that can help their situation
Yea I get everyone’s point and frustration because I’m in the same boat I’m frustrated that he isn’t just accepting what he feels.
But I think that’s the point. he is still on this journey in figuring out his feelings that’s why there was three whole chapters on that lesbian couple. And accept the fact his feelings.
Also you guys forget that He clearly rejected wolfgang’s feelings and wanting to be in a romantic relationship because he isn’t ready to change the current relationship they have as master and suboordinate. Like that’s the current internal struggle shin is facing especially after being saved from being kidnapped.
I disagree with you on he "clearly rejected" wolf feelings! it's not true! he play with his feelings, he has sex with him and kisses him back only for the next morning he acts as nothing happen and that they don't even have a romantic relationship. that bs and he know it but he keeps doing it cause well..he likes to have sex with him so who cares what Wolf feel right?!
I say this, Shin big problem is projecting is bs view into him and don't see him as a fucking human being that has feelings. it's not healthy but Wolf does not do anything about it cause he wants to only show support to him and spoil him instead of giving him limits to his bs behavior.
do you think I enjoy wanting Shin to break up with Wolf? no I don't but has we see so far this relationship is toxic for both sides.
That’s true. Shin WASNT clear on rejecting Wolfgang physically...and if you notice, Wolfgang is the one who instigated the sexual encounters not shin (ofcourse despite shin having a longing look on his face and nor welcoming the advances, but he never initiated the contact) but he said it verbally.)
it just proves that he’s agonizing over it. Cuz remember after he escapes the clutches of the person he kidnapped, he was hella avoiding Wolfgang and he’d reluctantly sleep with him and then those chapters of asking why that lesbian couple could be so comfortable with openly loving each other..... it’s frustrating and annoying and really hard on Wolfgang and us readers that he can’t realize to JUST CHILL AND LET THINGS HAPPEN, but he’s almost there....or not
That royal order may have fucked their relationship up.
Lol tbh. Hmmm or maybe not! Wolfgang is assertive in showing his feelings and stuff but since shin is all about him being the emperor and stuff, Wolfgang should probably exercise his power over shin to make shin realize and not leave any room to think about how precious shin is to Wolfgang lol. Like royally ordering him to be his bride or something lols
Shin never really rejected Wolf physically, never. the opposite he go with it and enjoy it for the most part. and Wolf isn't an idiot, he notices it too and that's why he keeps doing it cause he sees it as the only way to stay close to Shin.
has much Shin does not trust him at all and think he is a moron, Wolf isn't a moron at all. he actually very smart for the most part not less than Shin. the only thing Shin bother and " agonizing" about is how he can make Wolf the best king ever, has a king not has a human been. and that's is the big problem, he just not consider his feelings, he never did. I disagree Shin "avoid" him that much, he actually never did avoid him that much only when he never wanted to admit his own feelings cause he wants to only focus on Wolf the king, and not "Wolf the human" and see him not has a human but has the "sun"
in other words, he projecting a LOT on Wolf!! it's not the royal order or anything else that fuck up their relationship, it's only Shin for a long long time!
Precisely! I guess I misphrased about the physical rejection. I meant that the rejection wasn’t clear because he wouldn’t reject the physical advances despite verbally rejecting them.
Ofcourse I hyperbolized about the avoidance part, but it’s still fact that from the time he got back from the capture up until this point, shin has been trying to steer clear of Wolfgang but Wolfgang is persistent in showing shin how much he loves shin and lusts for him. Of course shin is enjoying it. He’s the most important person in shin’s life who made him feel not lonely.
All I’m saying is that it’s currently process for him to like you say “humanize” Wolfgang. The agony and internal conflict I’m talking about is evident in this season because it’s the idea of treating Wolfgang as “king” vs “lover”. Because he doesn’t know how to treat Wolfgang as a lover hence AGAIN lol the reason why he asks the lesbian couple how they knew they could be happy with each other despite working in the same field and not letting duty get in the way. Like he is in a search for that answer because he literally grew up as an advisor to the best suited king. As if he was a robot bc that’s the only way he could survive and go on living. Wolfgang is who shin picks and shin is slowly becoming human himself bc Wolfgang is filling shin up with as much love as possible. Shin doesn’t know what to make of it bc hes never received any kind of love prior.
He recognizes the lust and desire but still can’t conceptualize what being lovers means. So he will stick to what he knows how to do and cling onto to stay by wolfgang’s side bc that’s the best seat to observe him on the throne.
That was his sole purpose and now that SOLE purpose is coming into question through all of wolfgang’s actions and advances.
Give the guy a break lol. He’ll get there. And I feel like it’s going to be a dramatic epiphany for him once it comes.
I don't mind his struggle and him trying to understand himself, and I say this again he still has his parents to turn to. they not dead as Wolf did.
the thing is, and I say this about S2 too, for the most part, Shin NEVER changes that much. the opposite, he changes for the worst! and that what bothers me. in the first season he was way better for Wolf then he ever was in S2 and this season. he just becomes worse and worse and worse. if in the first season he actually trusts Wolf 100% now he does not trust him at all! why?! it's not like he didn't have his past back then right?
and I didn't even talk about looking at him as a "lover" either, I talk about looking at him as a fucking human!! yeas, the most basic human been ever. not lover, not even a friend but has human been like me and you. and no Shin does not treat him like a human, as I said before, he treats him like the "sun" some big god that he projecting all his bs fantasies on and that need to stop! it's unhealthy and toxic for both of them.
Well tbh. I don’t remember what the deal with shin’s father is. I think I’m gonna re read everything again to refresh and to see points I may have missed. So I can’t really speak on that...
but despite having a father, he was still scared and lonely because he was chosen to be one of the previous emperor’s boys (cuz the bitch is a pedophile). He became studious and meticulous and even the most prized boy bc that was his method of surviving in that pedophilic harem and the only option for him not to be touched to the point of paranoia. So Wolfgang comes along and that became shin’s way out. It’s not that he’s never seen Wolfgang as human but Wolfgang became the only human he wanted to stand by and watch rule the empire bc he really is a natural born leader that’s gonna do it for the right reasons and the previous emperor was a nasty ass smegma ridden baby corn d*ck.
I’m not trying to deny your point, in fact I’m validating it.
You acknowledge the process but I don’t think you entirely get why I keep mentioning it. It’s because he can’t fathom how to switch the purpose of their relationship.
He can’t accept it bc all he wants is to see this guy rule and be by his side to do it. All the lusty reactions from surfacing feelings are threatening that purpose and making him question where they really stand with each other.
The reason why he doesn’t trust Wolfgang anymore is because he now knows that Wolfgang will always put shin first before the kingdom. Bc he loves shin more than the kingdom and only became king in order to satisfy what shin wants. (And of course to overthrow the despot bitch).
But that’s the thing. Shin doesn’t want that bc he has been brought up and drilled into his head that the kingdom has to come first. He wants Wolfgang to be king and will even die (proven time and again as well) to ensure that Wolfgang is king since him and many others see Wolfgang as the sun or light...to the point where he can’t see anything else except the need for him to be in that position (this is where your point is being validated.)
Those advances Wolfgang is making are making cracks in that ideal and shin doesn’t know how to handle it. So yes it’ll get ugly before it gets better because shin has to go through that because as wel have all agreed upon
^^^lol I think that’s the best perfect adjective.
Let’s just leave it at that. Lol
Shin is dense, he is working it out, needs to grow and find an answer that will satisfy you, me, Wolfgang and all of the empire
Because the emotional developments when shin has his epiphany slurs that he is actually lonely without Wolfgang is gripping.
Because at the end of it all despite all of shin’s stubbornness, we all want to see them being cute and loveydovey with no resistance .
Let’s just hope that the writer will end it that way
*having his emotional epiphanies are gripping not slurs lol
the thing is Wolf does rule, he is king and he is great at it. but if Shin keeps obsessing over his fantasy kingdom and won't go down to earth things will go bad real fast. no matter how great Wolf is, he needs people to help him rule, people that actually on earth. and in that Shin fail! big time. I'm sad to say this but that the truth, he needs to stop everything and get over his bs fantasy he is stuck on or it will never work! not just them has been a romantic couple but working together has well.
I agree he is a big dense XD but anyway hmm....the only thing I want to respond on is from one side yeas Wolf most of the chance will do anything for him, but I don't think he will let the kingdom die has well. yeas he will risk his life for Shin cause, you know, he loves him and all but I don't think that if wolf see someone is about to die he won't risk his life to save them as well as he tries to do for his mother way back in the start. that how Wolf is and I love him for it. he does care about his kingdom, that what many people forget, he is an idiot he really does care but he also a human in love and that's fine. it's okay to be in love and be a king.
and this is why Shin just doesn't get him as a "person" at all. he is too stack on what the "kingdom" that and what the kingdom there and he forget "dude the kingdom made of people. simple people like you and me." it soo simple. but Shin is too busy in his own fantasy perfect world that he forgets that no one is perfect and will never ever be and that includes Wolf, now that means he should not trust him for that? hall no that's dumb. Shin is fucking dumb at this point, and he wasn't like that in the first season.
I think Wolf needs to break him, break it off with him, fire him. maybe then his fantasy world finally breaks for good and he can see the reality for what it is. I don't mind how ugly it will get but I want Wolf to stop support his toxic bs behavior! even if it will hurt Shin.
p.s. I really love the last chapter, Wolf finally stands up to him and go against him. it took him long enough, too long.
Ur speaking facts
It's like shinkeeps crawling into his shell , and he is too afraid to trust wolf , he also cares to much about what others has to say , he is so afraid that he is pushing a bullshit agenda onto wolf which is what makes me mad the most , after everything wolfs been through shin of all ppl should know that toying with his feelings should be the last thing in his mind , telling him to find a wife and birth an heir isn't the greatest insult , the statement basically says , " ur opinion doesn't matter and I don't care if u love me or not " that's so disgusting , even if shin isn't doing it on purpose it's the worst thing he could do to wolf,
He needs to learn to face his problems and not run , he is very used to wolf sweeping him off his feet and fixing his mistakes , I feel like shin and wolf need a break , wolf knows what he want but for shin , he doesn't know what he has till he looses it
exactly! you don't know what you have until you lose it and maybe then his fantasy world finally breaks down and he could see Wolf has who he is - a human being and respect his feelings FOR ONCE and admit his mistakes and I hope he will apologize.