I’m gonna call him A because the names keep switching in the novel and the adaptation Arlock Alec who even knows what his name is but he has his freaking memories from the first life so he knew he’s encounter financial difficulties ahead of time so how did he let himself fall into financial ruin all over again that always bothered me when I read the novel. Because then K (Klopp Clough whatever the fuck) gets to lord over him with his stupid superiority complex and ego that only gets exacerbated when A becomes an Omega so I’m just like. Come on brethren. At least use your one advantage. Okay sorry rant over. I just want to root for A so bad and he makes it so hard.
So what was the point of not being let in the seme’s house? Was that lost in translation?
Did the art style get poorer or did they switch artists/tools? I swear I’m not crazy but the original couples chapters in the beginning were so well drawn but maybe it’s in my head. That’s not to say the art style is BAD now, still love everything about this. But my gay senses are tingling with a sense of decline. Thoughts?
So putting aside the gang rape that was def about to happen (violence) and moving forward with the pretend scenario of Asuka walking in, ignoring the other gang and leaving with Ao… yall think the destruction of the shop would still not be the outcome? I see a lot of “don’t blame the uke” but why the fuck are you blaming the seme? If you have ever witnessed your loved one in a precarious situation you’re not going “ah yes, time for civility” you’re in survival mode because HOW DARE YOU? Hence, violence. Not blaming the uke for ending up kidnapped or for being upset over the outcome of the turf war but it’s clearly ridiculous to pivot and blame the person who is also innocent in this (also the one who SAVED you?) and if we took Asuka out of the equation the gang clearly planned to keep escalating their threats until they got what they wanted and this was bound to happen regardless. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Already caught up on the raws but if this happened to me and the bestie the way I would IMMEDIATELY know some shit just happened because who the fuck leaves their bag and leaves without a word but sends a text like “yep had to bounce” like that’s fucking odd af I’d immediately call them and be like if you don’t come get this bag from me personally I’m calling the cops we don’t play games like that round here
am simply going to pass away from the secondhand embarrassment when Dan presents that gift to thankless Jaekyung and gets his ass handed to him for being delusional… Buddha take the wheel on this
Okay from the raws the uke is just mad annoying. Like if this were a real life situation and you had a crush on your at this point assumed straight best friend of 15 years who has given no indication of showing sexual interest in you and they announce their marriage and you just start being sooo out of pocket obvious about it when they come spend a month before the wedding at your house (constantly blushing, eyes glued to the seme, sticking the semes finger in your mouth, asking seme to sleep in your bed, getting visibly upset when the wedding or Gisel is brought up and not even trying to maintain the friendship) like what did he expect would happen the dude would just be alone forever? This trope is so over used. Rant over.
Doha agreeing makes me think he’s going to A) tell another NPC about the game which will end badly B) go back on his word which he likely had no intention to keep from the beginning C) connect with the dense Hyung before Bada gets to him to set up some sort of plot against Bada to ruin Badas plans because he lives to ruin any potential route of escape for Bada
Let me know if yall have any other theories because my dude is an enigma and while Doha is sexy he’s not sexy enough to avoid being rickrolled in the face if he keeps fucking up my plans (if I was Bada)
See, now I’m pissed. Like, we all knew one of them was gonna catch feelings (uke) and one was gonna be a playboy POS (seme) but it’s like when you can’t look away from a really slow car crash. I could just knock his ass out on sight, he knew what he was doing. No one in their right mind would look at that uke and be like “oh he for sure understands the idea of friends with benefits and how to separate feelings from carnal pleasure when I prey on his weakness ESPECIALLY WHEN HE ADMITS HES A HERMIT DUE TO HIS WEAKNESS.” Stupid fucking seme.
I mean did Rindo seriously not even consider that he’d throw away the number or give him a fake number or block him later just so he can get the ring? Sometimes I feel like they get so dramatic just to drag this manga on when they could be living happily at this point. As much as I love this manga it technically could have ended after the ocean “die together” confession scene.
Is no one gonna mention the fact that this “badass CEO ML” character is reading what is essentially the script of the Bee Movie in the hospital bed scene, I’m dying lmaoooo
If she doesn’t want to be thankful for her bulky ass protective brother she can move right along, some of us would gladly take him.
They really took a beautifully drawn work with so much plot potential and threw it in the garbage. Someone needs to let mangakas know there’s more ways to create tension in relationships beyond straight up assault and violent rape.
They have matching marks! One is upside down and the other is right side up! They are connecting to each other finally! (You can see they both have a heart in the center, too)
Something I seriously hate and see a trend of in the omegaverse is the lack of communication. Like, BASIC communication. This is the equivalent of smelling period blood on your partner. Would you immediately go “you horny piece of shit, let me show you how easily babies can be made when reproductive cycles are at their most fertile!” And rape them?
…no. You wouldn’t. You’d be like, hey, listen. Can you explain to me why you were at your boss’s house when you know it makes me uncomfortable and why you 1)know they are on their period and 2) were close enough to get that all up on you?
Weird example I know, but we don’t have pheromones so I’m working with what I got okay. But the lack of communication and jumping straight into physical altercations or raping your partner in the omegaverse (whether alpha or omega) just ain’t it.
Sounds like Doha is testing the water on how to get Bada to stay with him since he knows he’s not from the game and at this point in time they both believe Doha belongs to the game. He asked him “so if we break the cassette are you stuck in the game” or something like that and is already being shady by offing the killer on the down low. I’m sensing potential self interest leading to gameplay sabotage y’all.
It really is just so unrealistic to have an untouchable ace card like Gojo be killed off but expect anyone who couldn’t beat Gojo to win against Sukuna. I’m really losing the heart to finish this despite the fantastic art and deep character building because it’s become so convoluted.
I really hate this MC and the ML isn’t far behind. One is naive and annoying while the other is overbearing and arrogant. Otherwise the art and plot are nice.