Everyone is trashing the translation but I’m so confused. I’ve encountered translations on other manga that are very much so fished from the sewers of garbage land and when I read this I have never noticed an issue so am I missing something? Also, you always have the option to buy it or translate it yourself if it’s so horrendous.
This is just my opinion but I don’t like it as much as the old art, they both have their own kind of charm but it’s like two separate mangas. :( I was so confused when I bought the raw. Maybe they switched artists.
The face Doha made after Bada mentioned using the tapes to erase memory can be one of two things. 1) he didn’t think of this and will now use Badas tape to manipulate his memory and the progress of the game behind the scenes 2) he’s worried about the fact that Bada brought this up since he’s been doing it to Bada from the start. In all likelihood Bada has completed the game before or is the amnesiac NPC that Doha grew obsessed with and now whether as an external player or end game boss Doha plans to chain Bada to himself. If he’s an NPC end game boss then he would obviously want to keep Bada from leaving by forcing him into an endless loop of kills but if he’s an external force and became enthralled with Bada he’s most likely unresolved to leave him behind so continues to manipulate his thoughts and plans. It’s safe to assume Doha has some ability to alter the game itself as we never see him killed, we are going off the unreliable narrator Bada who can’t recall much in this endless Groundhog Day. So many thoughts, can’t stop rereading.
I fucking knew there was more to Doha sad we have to wait for season 2 but so in love with this manga
Further confirming Doha is in fact a psychopath because only a psychopath will tell you to acclimate to the pain because they don’t want to stretch you every time.
The first seme literally has a whole ass fiancee and is actively cheating on the uke and the uke is just…being a doormat? Letting him stay in the house and interact with him like that? These are just my feelings but I don’t play those games, get the fuck out of my life if you hurt me like that. I don’t care if we’ve been together for years or minutes, betrayal hits hard for me.
Did the author get bored halfway through and decide to start picking chapter plot scenarios out of a hat? When this updated I was confused on whether this was the same manga, but happy the ending was lovely and really dig the yakuza debt collector being a white knight.
Am I the only one frustrated with how selfish the MC is? Like the hero is clearly having multiple existential contemplations and he just brushes over it thinking about what benefits himself or what he’s worried about. He’s so loud about how unappreciative he is of the hero RIGHT AFTER BEING SAVED BY HIM and basically calling the hero useless to his face despite being useless himself. Or how he took him to get a new weapon and STILL just gave him another shovel just because it was more expensive to get a sword. The man was literally dead and revived and when he sits there going “we’re treated like prized tools, will you abandon me or use me like a glorified wagon when I’m no longer of use” MC couldn’t even comfort him. I don’t know, even being understanding of how discombobulating this must be for the MC I still feel he’s being terrible to someone who was dragged into this with him. Just my personal feelings.
I can spoil the novel ending if y’all want because I’m not satisfied and want others to be as unsatisfied as me haha but it would be a read at your own risk situation. Also, we have a while to go for the adaptation to catch up.
If my partner or best friend ever walked up to me and a new friend and that person said “who is this? Some third wheel?” The way my head would spin 180 degrees like in the Exorcist because what the fuck did you just say?
Pretty sure the reason why Judith is possessed and Luca is on his second life cycle is because when all was said and done he had the opportunity to make a wish as the heir to Winterwald. If you went through life the way he did in the first cycle (unloved, ridiculed, heavy expectation and heavier failures, endless bloodshed, no one to trust) what would you wish for? I know I’d certainly not be thinking of materialistic ideals. I DO have a feeling anyone would ask to be given a life where they are happy and cared for. That sure seems like what the wish gave him with just one single transmigrator and the butterfly effect.
My heart ya’ll I am not stable enough for the shit the author is pulling in the raws but damn I can’t stop reading
I wonder if her blood is a key component to neutralizing the poison in the family bloodline? I know they were always wondering what role she played and why she always survived, it must have something to do with her on a genetic level. Or maybe she remembered something from her past life medicinally/herbally that was the key.
I wonder if there’s more to the hyung’s reincarnation. I know in the beginning they mentioned more than just spirits, there’s ghosts and ghouls as well. His eyes are unique with the deep red inner ring and the way he ascended the throne with what could be considered an immense sacrifice of blood is interesting. I fully believe he was reincarnated with his memories intact which is why he’s subtly trying to dissuade the marriage from happening but knew they’d be together regardless. Excited to see how it plays out.
I keep reminding myself that the seme isn’t just a “villain” he’s a complex character. He’s mentioned how when he was younger he was thrown into the battlefield in a “kill or be killed”, “fight to the top” sort of situation where he works to weed out corruption on his own terms. But he needs power and influence (fear) behind him to enact change. I have no doubt once the story progresses we’ll see how the ukes family was either framed (seme may have had no knowledge or part in this) or rightfully caught up in something bad but obviously from the perspective of someone whose family was killed regardless of if they committed a treasonous or illegal act you’d look at the executioner as the enemy. But there’s always two sides to every story and the uke is what we call an unreliable narrator. This is all excluding the uke and semes personalities which I find slightly abysmal on both parts but we’re starting to see character development. This story is so slow going it feels like it hasn’t truly begun unraveling yet.
The white cat that SO flirts with (green and yellow eyes) is the defector/traitor (whatever classification the rebel systems went by) that the creator world god became alerted to originally. I believe they briefly mentioned rebels or something of that nature. You see it pop up in multiple worlds because it’s part of the bugs and a grander scheme of what’s happening I’m sure, they showed his humanoid form in one of the chapters though.
Since it’s a hot topic, has the mangaka specifically mentioned anywhere that they don’t code couples to be switches? Because this couple gives me that vibe. Also, just because their ancient era selves may be one way doesn’t mean their modern era selves couldn’t be another. Because for one reason the ancient era version of themselves had children which the deity could birth and this modern boss could not hence taking away a potential need for him to be the bottom and allowing opportunity for enjoyment and exploration as a top. Or maybe both versions explored being switches as many couples do! It’s a story, we should be happy they leave room for interpretation
I really feel like Doha is going to end up being a final boss and/ or that Bada (who is having memory issues) originated in the game as an NPC who became self aware but has the storyline of BELIEVING they are stuck in a horror game.
So the fact that Matt did this to Jin made me just as wildly upset as everyone else but I’d like to just point something out that my psychologist says to me. “Just because we think about something or think about doing something doesn’t make us a bad person. Having the self control and awareness to know that we shouldn’t do it and the people around us don’t deserve to experience our internal turmoil is what separates us from the monsters we feel like.” (I call myself a monster a lot for context) So all the one sided Matt blaming… we gotta remember dude was drugged and had ZERO control of choosing what he got to show of himself. In real life yall defend rape victims for having alcohol in their systems because they aren’t able to consent so why is Matt any different bro is completely out of it. If roles were reversed I’d even wager yall would go hard defending babygirl Jin lol let’s just have some no bias here.