You’re eating Byul up because he’s cute but so far his personality has given wet sock :( come on Fargo I believe in you, you can’t create Love is an Illusion and not deliver on this

Danieka created a topic of Dreadful Night

I like the theory of there being multiple tapes per person, leading to Badas fucked memory. I also like the possibility of Yongtaek having forgotten his and creating another.

HOWEVER. We do know Doha has set himself as active obstacle between Bada and Game End which they both acknowledged. Could it be possible when he noticed Bada begin to take more of an interest in allowing a three party partnership (thereby furthering the chances of a successful game completion) he decided to move the tape to generate distrust between Bada and Yongtaek? Bada already has trust issues due to his memory and maybe Doha wants to play on that by doing a “look, I told you we can’t believe what he says, how can there be two tapes? His memory is fucked up or he’s lying to double cross us!” Situation.

I truly hope it’s actually just a clue, I want them to work together and fucking end this already omgggg.

Danieka created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

Yall need to leave Yanagi alone fr. Chapter after chapter he’s proving that he’s waiting until Rindo is available and it’s his crazy wife pulling weird shit but yall can’t stop blaming him for breathing in his direction. Did yall forget Amane started this whole relationship yall fight to protect by raping and stalking Rindo??

I see Byul is a cutie but just as annoying/ dense in personality as his mom was T^T sure hope it gets better the more the plot develops because my god Love is an Illusion was a tough read without the development arcs.

Danieka created a topic of The Selfish Romance

I am prepared to claw my way from the echoing, fathomless abyss like Rasputin seeking the blood of the Russian nobility if that fucking actress so much as tries it now that these two are entering their fated orbit.

Danieka created a topic of Swallow You Whole

He just tried to eat you and you got lucky he couldn’t, why was the first thing you do not cooking for him Mr. Jack of All Trades? You literally went to go track him down and hoped for the best without any solution in mind.

Danieka created a topic of Regas

Good ole reverse psychology. They all say they ARE him but the one that IS says he ISN’T which makes him credible.

If you can hear me universe, I do NOT want a devilishly good looking and misunderstood billionaire to become dependent on me in the near future.

Every time I see fork or cake I’m immediately ripped out of the immersion of the plot, it’s the worst. Couldn’t they have just made up a term or gone with some like “the delicacies” and “the ravenous” or something like please it’s killing me.

Danieka created a topic of 1 to 10

I always find it so annoying and unrealistic when one partner has an absolutely meltdown when they don’t hear from their partners for a day or get a text back, especially in new relationships. Like obviously in this case he’s hiding something but usually it’s nothing and people get busy I’d be embarrassed to be chasing down my partner and their friends like this, have some pride and boundaries. I certainly wouldn’t expect to know everything about my partner three seconds into a relationship, they’ll tell me when that trust is built.

Danieka created a topic of Private Call

Married AND lifetime bonded on the first official date? That’s some wild pacing there author!

Danieka created a topic of Despite That

“Hi ex partner who literally couldn’t even remember my name and then assaulted me, I’m 98.9% sure you’re on/selling the drug that traumatized me and I’m tracking down. Since you clearly have no respect for me or the law, please hand me evidence to bring down the people behind it since I have nothing to work with yet! XOXO”

Danieka created a topic of Dreadful Night

They were all originally players and Doha became hostile so they took his tape away but I’m assuming something went wrong or others began to turn against each other (he mentioned sub teams being formed) and other tapes started to be removed leading to where we are now. They probably got stuck in the game because they all needed to work together initially to solve all the endings.

Danieka created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I want to wrap this manga around a brick and beat other authors with it so they learn what a healthy romance looks like.

Danieka created a topic of The Selfish Romance

They are so obviously giving their plan away because they cant stick to a fucking script. What’s the point in a fake partner if you tell every single person you meet you aren’t in a relationship or over your ex it’s so pointless. Especially running every time the exes call like their chemistry (ml and fl) is the only thing keeping me hanging at this point.

Why the fuck does Pereshati feel SO comfortable sharing all that backstory with Harari who is a literal stranger with no proven loyalty to their family or her own child when it could be used against them like bitch are you stupid?

Danieka created a topic of Piercing Stab

Warning to anyone who hates reading novels that make them want to peel their skin off from how fucking annoying/ repetitive characters and their situations can be. I only kept reading because I thought there’d be a lightbulb moment where things turned around but instead it just kept going downhill. I genuinely dislike MC which is crazy because I rode so hard for him in the first life (though I really felt for ML when he sacrificed himself, self sacrifice is a trope I love and I was not feeling MC from that time on). ML should have stuck to his guns and stayed ghost for both of their sakes. I wish I could get this time back and I should have known the minute I saw imprisonment and rape over a misunderstanding. Sigh. The last couple chapters were good though but that’s just because it’s your standard wholesome HE content.

Danieka created a topic of Our Sunny Days

How much I ADORE this author because their works NEVER miss! Other mangakas need to take notes on healthy BL.

Danieka created a topic of Yang Energy

He was deadass going to break a pretty obviously expensive/rare glass object and leave without saying anything until she noticed, my guy has no manners

Danieka created a topic of Foul's Start

Everyone with piercings screaming and throwing witch hazel at the screen right now

Danieka created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

This should not be dragging on this long omegapop, your man don’t give a fuuuck