I understand what the author is doing but in reality that’s so fucking rude, this pissed me off for Guwon.
In the raws is it just me or did they change it up? I could have sworn in the novel MC had a much harsher reaction to learning of his pregnancy/gilded imprisonment as empress. He and ML were on horrible terms regarding the ascension and baby. Yet in the raws Zigryl says he loves Kay then Kay is all bashful and while bewildered about being named empress, but doesn’t seem that torn up about the baby??? And doesn’t seem that pressed to escape either. Maybe I’m remembering the novel wrong I just swear it was more angsty.
Why do I feel like these chapters in particular are drawn oddly? Like all the other chapters/couples are shaped and colored well and then the actual couple I’m invested in is slightly… off? Almost like a different artist took over. Maybe I’m tripping but I swear the older chapters when they were in the fortress didn’t feel/look like this.
For someone who would give anything to escape and hates the situation he’s in he gave absolutely no effort here after struggling to get to this point. Like I can’t find any sympathy for him now or moving forward because dude literally had the chance to kill ML or himself and just… gave up. Like, this is not a loved king my guy, you’d be good for at least the time it takes to get to the boat.
Y'all this story has been dragging on forever, I’m personally thankful we got something besides slice of life at this point. Hope everyone can direct the hate appropriately to Mariko (the wife) and not Yanagi as we see here he is NOT DOING ANYTHING it’s a third party who is operating outside of his knowledge and permission. I hope the story ends after they resolve this because it lost its momentum after the police resolution and death pact.
I tried to read the novel to set the tone (I love going in knowing back story then getting visuals) but I couldn’t get into it because it feels like two completely different stories?? So not sure if the novel being passed around is even correct or if it was just written by the same author because I was SO confused.
Or is the artist starting to do my boys dirty T.T like I swear to god Jianyi was always being face conned as so handsome (and he was a little cutie with his XiXi) but now I feel like MO and HE TIAN are serving face constantly and our main couple are kind of giving meh :( like author not only are you going at a snails pace for the relationship progression but now you only glow up the side characters just say you hate them.
What happens when you get a name change or have a name twin. There’s like a million John Smiths or Park Ji-hos.
But I always get so thrown out of the story when authors make “sleep talking” (or in this case drug induced sleep talking) characters speak in full sentences. Like, many of us have done this or experienced someone do this and no one has ever held what is basically half of a conversation it’s so offputting I see it in so many works to push a narrative.
After reading all the novels can I just say I fucking HATE all the characters except Christoph and Kyle. Do they all have moments where you go, “oh wow how romantic was that line” or “how badass was that action”? Sure. (Except for Richard he can die in an Iron Maiden.) But are those few micro seconds worth the rest of their actions and overall arcs? Absolutely fucking not I’m so sick of them. I was ESPECIALLY appalled during Diaphonic Symphonia at Richard and Tae (separately). You can disagree with me as is your taste and opinion and I did choose to read and finish these to give them the benefit of the full work but. All of these are atrocious in character building, I’m horrified at the gratuitous rape fetish and inability to create any type of satisfying resolution beyond rapist+victim=true love. That’s all, I had to get it off my chest after sitting through all those novels.
I was just watching the Mandalorian the other day and it struck me how in its own way this story has its similarities. Both tiny MCs communicated non verbally and use their cuteness to rope bodyguard/guardian figure MCs into this journey to make little MCs life better where they belong but grow attached to them literally immediately. I love it.
Please let the MC be the one who died tragically, so the ML can be healed by them living together peacefully. Something tells me the MC would have preferred it that way as well.
You were supposed to say “I apologize if that’s how that came across and for my abhorrent behavior until this point. What I’m actually proposing is renewing a partnership in terms of work AND sexual compatibility, separate from each other, as I have come to realize I value you both in the ring and in my heart. I hope you could come to forgive me for past transgressions and return to our home in Seoul once we’ve finished the transfer process for your grandmother, whom we will of course bring with us.”
I definitely believe in the twin/half brother theory since he called both of those men young master in the dream and only one ACTUALLY looked/acted like ML. And he might have agreed with MC saying that about the dream because they WERE happy together and he had to protect MC from others in that time but MC is confusing him with his brother. Poor baby no doubt experienced something tragic to trigger his obsession and it’s gotta be linked to MC being cursed to have everyone around him die to keep him isolated. Starting to think as well that the ML that was hit by the car wasn’t a reincarnation but maybe part of the bloodline which allowed him to take over the body.
The man calling himself “husband” is doing it as a title of possession. MC was most likely his subordinate and that man was a rebellious or declining noble lashing out and forcing himself on a man of lower status he took a shining to (hence the violence we see.) The ACTUAL lover is clearly going to be ML though that bond is yet to be explored until the new chapters. My tentative theory is that, since MC mentions sending the “young master” away, these two may have been family and the volatile one posed a risk to the one he cared for so he sent ML somewhere safe temporarily. ML comes back and their relationship will either eventually be discovered or ML will retaliate after seeing the state of MC. Either way MC will end up dead from trying to protect ML or from revenge of fake-ML. After reincarnation and trauma injury his ghost (?) is now obsessed with their happy ending. That’s all I’ve got, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
While I’m so gratified we are finally getting into the Duke and the brothers side story after this chapter I’m equally DEVASTATED there is NO interaction sexually between them. Like as hot as it was I didn’t need the scene with the guards I wanted to see it with HOMEBOY. Worst blueballing ever though their ~censored event~ was precious.