WinterFrost created a topic of Shutline

damn. these two, as always, so fucking intense.

WinterFrost created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

telling ijin to not be nervous

reread this cuz I fcking miss them

THE END. Honestly, it was bit dragging. I kinda skim read some parts, but overall it was a good read.

WinterFrost created a topic of Salvation

went back here to see if there's a new update, an extra, epilogue or just author's note. but no it still the same shitty ending.

WinterFrost created a topic of Old-fashioned Cupcake

I love it when the couple makes me feel so fcking single. it means the story is damn good.

WinterFrost like photo (from Album)
WinterFrost created a topic of Tiger and Tiger Gourd


WinterFrost created a topic of Jinx

I hope the author makes him grovel so hard to the point he's crawling

WinterFrost created a topic of Paper Flower

Finally, General is here!! and he lives!!!!


FL is an airhead. ugh. I hope she has some character development as the story goes.

WinterFrost created a topic of Brother In Law

sis you knew before you got married!!! but you got delusional and thought "maybe he'll change his mind". girl, he's GAY!! and now ur all depressed and shit and blaming ur brother?

since it wasnt marked as completed, I decided to read the last chap to see how far the story is.. and surprise surprise it was apparently the fucking epilogue.. and well looks like im not reading this. that one chap alone triggered my depression.

WinterFrost created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

this latest chapter is so heartwarming and cute.

WinterFrost created a topic of Kamisama no Uroko

nooo. i thought it was NEW chaps.

WinterFrost created a topic of Ou no Kemono

missing chapters...ㅠㅠ
also Boku died? and Taihaku might..?! I can't take this kind of angst..

WinterFrost created a topic of Paper Flower

eh..? I want him to grovel more and so hard that he feels like dying.