sidney created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus


U think I'd read from ur website when u use underhanded tactics like uploading ur shit quality chapters to get ppl to ur website?

sidney created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

The gonna match his freak in PRISON
I'm calling the authorities because this man is a predator. WHY WOULD THIS BE A SIDE STORY WE WANT!?
I was never curious about the boss let alone with his fuckin brother . GTFOH nope

Shin Is the only one who matches his freak

sidney created a topic of Jinx

Dude ur a fuckin trash ass human why the hell would he work for you again NOTHING about you is redeemable
Ur literally fuckin trash.

sidney created a topic of Predator Marriage


sidney created a topic of Jinx

Now it's a nightmare

sidney created a topic of Comedown Machine

Y'all piss me off like I wasted so much fuckin on this shit for what??? HE DID THE SAME THING KEITH DID BUT WORSE why the fuck are u stupid tommy

sidney created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

Well fuckin FINALLY

sidney created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

I'd be so fuckin tired of this dummy if u miss him WHY DID U LEAVE THE TOWN U TOLD HIM UD BE ,?!?!!?!
I'm tired this makes no damn sense. It's not that hard. U miss him u love him?? STAY FUCKIN STILL

sidney created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

Bitch u were supposed to wait for him!!

sidney created a topic of Jinx

You don't deserve to see him u bratty ass bitch

sidney created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I need to know what's up with this author bc how come her couples are ALWAYS fucked up in some aspect
Ntm 3 pages in and the boss is choking out a literal child?? Prison immediately

I need this comic to go on forever

sidney created a topic of Remarried Empress

Is this a rerun? I thought we did this already? Why are we still here???

sidney created a topic of Comedown Machine

If y'all are gonna do then just do why waste our time if she's gonna get back with Linus why waste our damn time . This will they won't they is EXHAUSTING BULLSHIT

sidney created a topic of Comedown Machine

I mean I'm honestly rooting for Nat more than I am for Tommy
Tommy has me exhausted. Who knew all Keith needed was a little spice

sidney created a topic of Predator Marriage

Whyyy would you say POOP ???
This was a terrible translation

sidney created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

How did we get here . WHY are we here !???!??