Muki June 30, 2019 2:47 am

It was this yaoi about a successful business womans son who works in her business and wore high heels and slept with old men to make the business even more successful. I think he needs up with a shoe maker in the end and lost an arm or leg?? Sorry I can't remember much but thanks

Muki June 11, 2019 12:42 am

Anyone know the name of the anime where there's a small black haired high schooler that dates a guy that looks like hes in highschool but hes really in elementary?

    Chunta June 11, 2019 12:45 am

    Is it shounen ai?¿

    Muki June 11, 2019 12:59 am
    Is it shounen ai?¿ Chunta

    Shoujo, the main almost looks like a loli????

    MustardMaria June 11, 2019 1:01 am

    Is it Hatsukoi Monster/ first love monster?

    Anonymous June 11, 2019 1:07 am

    It’s Hatsukoi monster

    Anonymous June 11, 2019 1:21 am

    Hatsukoi Monster. Shits wack but i used to be obsessed with it

    Muki June 11, 2019 1:45 am
    Is it Hatsukoi Monster/ first love monster? MustardMaria

    Yep that's it thanks everyone lol

Muki June 1, 2019 2:36 am

Can someone recommend me some forbidden love manga please? Thanks

    fujosheep June 1, 2019 2:43 am

    forbidden like,teacher student relationship?

    SadWhispers June 1, 2019 5:08 am

    I'm recently reading a manga called "Reincarnated" It's about forbidden love between an Angel and devil, but they die and reborn countless of times.

Muki May 23, 2019 12:39 am

I'm feeling kinda low. I was watching a ballerina on YouTube talk about how fat she is and it made me think, if this gorgeous person is fat than what am I? I look at YouTube and instagram and see all these beautiful girls that look like they are below 100 lbs with skin as clear as glass and I just feel kinda horrible I guess??? Sometimes I go shopping and go to try things on and just want to cry because it doesnt look good. Do you experience anything similar as someone living in the "social media/Instagram" age?

    Uncultured Swine May 23, 2019 12:45 am

    It’s fine. Thicc girls are the best!

    Uncultured Swine May 23, 2019 12:45 am
    It’s fine. Thicc girls are the best! Uncultured Swine

    Or boys idk your gender

    Delinquent Senpai May 23, 2019 1:23 am

    i was underweight my whole life.I wanted to be healthy and tried really hard to gain weight.I didn't exercised just ate lots of food.I gained 7kg now I'm barely at the normal weight but my stomach doesn't look flat like before.All ig models are just photoshopping their picture they don't even look like themselves.
    I don't know if it's going to help but:

    they are making unrealistic beauty standarts.

    also there is always someone looking better than you, you shouldn't compare yourself to others or else you can't be happy.
    even models are insecure you should just accept your face beauty will fade with time unfortunately there will be always someone younger and better looking than us.accept yourself there's tons of beautiful faces but almost all of them similar looking but how many of them have unique interesting personality? they all bland trying to fit in,same make up is easier for them yes but it won't be in 20+ years.

    ebjean May 23, 2019 1:42 am

    Ballet is notorious for performers being severely underweight. It's actually expected for them to be - easier to lift someone if they weigh much less than they should. "Fat" for them is probably still on the low side.

    PlumpSprouts May 23, 2019 1:53 am

    There is quite of editing that can take place when it comes to the internet, besides with corsets, make up, wigs, contacts, etc who can you trust now a days. But in all seriousness I'll recommend this to anyone, try to be more active and edit your diet, I personally have made those changes in my life, and I feel way more satisfied.((not) saying because I felt that way, everyone will feel that way)
    By seeing the little changes and how I worked for this, worked my way up, and will continue to work to maintain this. I have more energy and don't feel sluggish from all the sugary-artificial- crap that I was consuming. You don't have to go full fit, or quit cold turkey, moderation with all things is good. I don't feel helpless like there is nothing I can do I guess I was just born this way. I am not recommending, a crash diet, its a life style change, and overall practice good self care.

    brickneyspearsBL May 23, 2019 1:56 am

    I do. Recently, I was starting to love myself but then my classmates started to call me ugly, big glasses, big nose, big head... and I start to compare myself with other people. Today and will now be afraid to look at the mirror of how disgusting Andy ugly I look, and it’s true. I have an ugly face, I wish I could cut it all off.
    Stay strong, people have different bodies and different minds. People may like or may not like you for who you look like, there’s just different expectations for each individual. Loving yourself is the great answer, be grateful of what you have because entirely, each human being is beautiful inside out. I’m sure that ballerina is insecure of her weight and it’s normal for ballerinas to be “thin” since it makes them dance better.

    Muki May 23, 2019 2:30 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! BTS STOLE YO JAMZ

    Why do you comment on every post?

Muki May 21, 2019 12:27 pm

It's an otome game shoujo manga through the boy/princes POV. The villainess befriends all the heroines love interests and sets them up with her other friends so the heroine has no one to be with. And the prince calls the heroine a crackhead. Thanks in advance

Muki May 6, 2019 5:28 pm

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? Anybody stressed and about to have a panic attack after watched the ep last night like I am?

    Ziera May 6, 2019 5:44 pm

    Yea sorry no

    Gisse May 6, 2019 5:47 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Akirax02

    She asked who whatch ,and sorry i dont watch it too but i saw it last night and feel sad for the Dragón

    Ninjaaturtlee May 6, 2019 6:30 pm

    YEASSS OMG I FEEL YOUR PAIN i think i died a bit after watching it cant wait for next episode so sad

    Anonymous May 6, 2019 6:35 pm

    Neither Jon nor Dany are fit to rule as they are now. Jon's a complete dumbass and Dany is becoming increasingly emotionally unstable from all the bad things that's happened to her.

    Anonymous May 6, 2019 6:40 pm

    But yeah, watching the last episode stressed me out and I really want to see Cersei, Euron, and Qyburn die. Do you have any predictions on what's going to happen to any of the characters?

    TrulyAGoldExperience May 6, 2019 8:31 pm

    Meee but boi, I'm fucking disappointed by this season :D If anything I'm waiting for someone important to die. No way in hell I wanna watch fucking jon walk away from this and have a happy life. GoT was never about happy endings but the writers and their plot armor seem to have forgotten that. Cersei better kill some wolves and dragons before going down I swear to fucking god.

    Anonymous May 6, 2019 8:48 pm
    Meee but boi, I'm fucking disappointed by this season :D If anything I'm waiting for someone important to die. No way in hell I wanna watch fucking jon walk away from this and have a happy life. GoT was never a... TrulyAGoldExperience

    I agree about the writing. The vast majority of the main characters at the Winterfell battle should have died (I especially wish Sam would have died). There were so many scenes of them being completely swarmed by white walkers and unable to move, but they miraculously survived because plot armor. And then there's Arya who just came out of nowhere and easily defeated the great threat. The terrible writing has also ruined many of the characters' personalities and decision-making skills.

    Muki May 6, 2019 9:11 pm
    But yeah, watching the last episode stressed me out and I really want to see Cersei, Euron, and Qyburn die. Do you have any predictions on what's going to happen to any of the characters? @Anonymous

    I dont really have any predictions for the characters expect for Dany, I dont think shes gonna have a happy ending and it's kinda sad after everything shes been through...

    Muki May 6, 2019 9:13 pm
    Meee but boi, I'm fucking disappointed by this season :D If anything I'm waiting for someone important to die. No way in hell I wanna watch fucking jon walk away from this and have a happy life. GoT was never a... TrulyAGoldExperience

    Same I'm kinda disappointed a main character didnt die... I mean just Theon and Sir Jovah...cmon GoT

    Jihel May 6, 2019 10:05 pm
    Same I'm kinda disappointed a main character didnt die... I mean just Theon and Sir Jovah...cmon GoT Muki

    So true, I mean, in GOT the rule is : every man has to die, you're not protected even if you're a heroe. Ser Brien and Jaimee Lanister should have died too.

    TrulyAGoldExperience May 6, 2019 10:28 pm

    I feel like they even undid Jamie's progress by making him go back to cersei. Probably just bc they want to fulfill the theory that he'll kill her. Somehow it feels like they write their scripts by just reading fan theories. Everything they do is completely predictable and most of the times it doesn't even make sense. It's just fanservice.

    TrulyAGoldExperience May 6, 2019 10:30 pm

    I guarantee you they WILL try to pay cleganebowl even if there's no space or time for it, by forcing something. Just like we had to go through half an hour of forced straight romance between every man and woman to ever meet. Arya and Gendry, for real? Oh HBO...

illusxion April 17, 2019 2:04 am

Looking for some good and gory horror/psychological, thanks!

illusxion April 7, 2019 11:50 pm

What's the otome game/reincarnation manga where the story is told from the princes perspective? She tries to turn her father evil and stop her death by helping all the love interests get into relationships so the "heroine" wont end up with any of them. Sorry it's not a very good description of the story but please help me find it! Thanks

illusxion April 4, 2019 10:16 pm

I know this isnt the place to post this but I really need some advice on what to do so sorry in advance.

Honestly I'm conflicted about posting this but here does nothing.
I'm at a place in my life where I just dont know what to do. I'm 15 almost 16 and feeling very conflicted. I'm homeschooled (online school) and I'm failing miserably. I used to go to public school and hated it, I switched around schools and I've always been shy and awkward to a point where it's terrible. I used to have friends but I just shut them all out and distance grew so I moved schools once again. I went to school with my cousin and felt like an outsider and like I was just following her around, often times when she would go with her other friends I was alone and it was miserable. It's hard for me to make friends because of how shy I am. So I tried homeschool but like I said I'm failing terribly. Me and my grandma used to be very close but now I feel like she hates me because I'm failing school. I dont want to repeat next year so I'm thinking of dropping out. My mom says it's ok but I just wanna make something out of myself. I have absolutely no friends and hardly ever leave the house. I feel like I'm losing all the people that are dear to me and idk what to do. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated, thanks

    Kaage April 4, 2019 10:23 pm

    Why are you failing? Are you doing poorly on the assignments? Struggling to concentrate and stay focused?

    imaddicted24/7 April 4, 2019 10:31 pm

    life is always hard and remember ur never alone according to what ive read from ur story ur quite an introverted person and ik its kinda hard for u but try to open up a bit to a few close people, go outside more and if u cant do it much atleast try and go out for walks and be self confident. ive failed alot too and ik the pain but do ur level best and things will change, ask for help if u need it and people will help u and if they dont it doesnt really matter cuz u can do alot even by yourself

    illusxion April 4, 2019 10:37 pm
    Why are you failing? Are you doing poorly on the assignments? Struggling to concentrate and stay focused? Kaage

    I guess you could say my mind wonders alot? It's really hard to stay focused for me

    Mango April 4, 2019 11:26 pm

    Im homeschooled too. What kind of study materials are you using? Online,paper,or both? The better thing about homeschooling is you dont HAVE to rush. I recommend staying on a subject until you understand, and if there are things your parents or grandparents can't understand, just look it up. There are plenty of explanation videos on YouTube or on some kind of learning website. KhanAcademy has plenty of resources to go through and has thorough explanations, and the best part is that it's free. Other paid websites like Time4learning and IXL are great if affordable. The worst thing to do is rush,just be calm and try your best. Good luck!

    im baby April 4, 2019 11:52 pm

    oh god.,.,.oh fuck.,.,I felt this KDSJSJ we are in the same boat :,)

    dinotato April 5, 2019 12:58 am

    Have you tried using Khan academy as an extra source? They post videos and stuff and it really helps me in school. If you do use it, I suggest for the videos to keep the captions on so it keeps you focused and reading. Idk but that helps me, so maybe check it out? Also I'm 16 and an IB student as well so if you need someone to talk to for help or anything just text me :)

    illusxion April 5, 2019 1:37 am
    Have you tried using Khan academy as an extra source? They post videos and stuff and it really helps me in school. If you do use it, I suggest for the videos to keep the captions on so it keeps you focused and ... dinotato

    No I haven't, I'll try it thanks!

illusxion March 22, 2019 12:15 am

Looking for some gory manga pleaseeee! thanks (⌒▽⌒)

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