Lemonkuo's experience ( All 0 )

Lemonkuo's answer ( All 25 )

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21 days
KubzScouts is the goat   reply
31 01,2025
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Yeah, mostly after the pandemic because people's looks and body changed a lot. I've seen some of my ex friends treat the people they once hated and found creepy totally differently with how they treated and talked about them in the past just because they 'glowed up'. There was this one girl who had stalker tendencies towards one of my friends' budd......   1 reply
10 01,2025
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Skyflakes, Fita, anything plain or else I throw everything up   reply
02 01,2025

Lemonkuo's question ( All 8 )

about question
Who are your rarepairs? And please, to those who don't ship these rarepairs there's no need for you to hate on them, just move on. You don't have to reply. I'm asking for rarepairs so of course not everyone will like them! Just making a space to share and clearing things up because last time some childish parasocial people ended up harassing people who answered my post
20 days
about question
And no I don't want any bland answers like the horse from Jinx tell me someone who people would actually die on a hill to protect but you would turn around 360 after seeing them from a mile away
26 days
about question
23 12,2024
Have you ever seen someone talking about stuff and the only thing you can think of is "Wow...This person is a pathological liar"??? Cause like, it's so obvious that they're lying about their experiences but nobody seems to speak up about it because they're either close to them or its entertaining to them.

Just had to let this out because I've had multiple encounters with people like this recently, and the worst one yet is someone who made 3 different accounts to fake as her 'irl friends' so she can back her lies up. It's so freaking easy to tell that it's fake because literally every time she's talking one of the accounts goes offline then when the other account goes online she goes offline, and this happens during the entire conversation. I called her out on it and she denied it, next thing I know all 3 accs were all set manually to offline. Now I'm apparently the bad guy for doubting her?? How do I know most of the 'cool' experiences she had were lies? Aside from the fact that it's obvious, but she once said she was on a trip in my city and that she ate on this one restaurant...but that specific restaurant doesn't even exist in my city.

Anyways what about you
23 12,2024
about question
If you're gonna say "This is an illegal site why are y'all making friends lmao" yeah gtfo this question ain't for your repetitive ass

Idk I'm just curious because I noticed that based on some questions some users in mangago seem know each other personally?? How?? Do you just interact a lot? Do you constantly message each other on the site?? I see a lot of people asking for friends on here but I don't really get how you manage to do that.
21 12,2024