1 Seth was manipulated and consumed by hatred and humiliation, Isis was the only person he hadn’t been mistreated by thus far (in the beginning) so he was consumed by his loneliness and loss and fell into an obsessive and compulsive desire to find her (not excusing the deaths he caused but if anyone tries to justify the mistreatment and trauma Seth endured — your opinion — and whatever reasoning you have for it — is invalid)
2 Osiris is scum, Seth didnt do shit to warrant what Osiris put him through, if you try to claim otherwise, you’re just victim blaming at that point.
3 Some of you clearly can’t read (or even grasp what’s happing). You’re comments are plain ignorant.
4 I’m way too invested in this story, I’m gonna go touch some grass brb

This is a story that for sure leaves a bad after taste. Fetishized trauma, abuse, r@pe, and blackmail is not okay! Especially when the story has a such a a shitty ending. The side characters only exist for the sake of the main characters and the ML is a piece of shit, he’s not just magically gonna heal or feel sorry for what he did just cause he’s in love. Man, even I need counseling after reading this shit

I really appreciate the time and effort you put into these translations but if I have to do mental gymnastics to understand what they’re saying then what’s the point? Y’all see how confused we get if the translation is jumbled within a single chapter!? I know some of you guys don’t mind and are just here for the plot but if I can’t read the story what the point.
Ma’am idk what this is but I don’t speak it. Most of us are probably fine waiting so please don’t snipe other peoples translations.