Deep breaths people, deeeep breaths
“Corpo bl”
They’re crazy lol
I’m trying to remember why the cousin was evil… like was he just crazy? If so… Damien is also crazy.
Damien is a psychopath...the cousin I think was crazy-crazy
This is so cute
If he actually shoots her hoo-ha I’m leaving bc what the actual fuck
The comments r killing me lmao
After the art style changed everything just went downhill … I occasionally come back to see how it’s going and every time I do, I’m more happy that I dropped it
I stopped being excited after chapter 45-ish.
Sir, he is clueless …. Have we learned nothing ??
I’m cackling at the fucking cat lmao
Ma’am idk what this is but I don’t speak it. Most of us are probably fine waiting so please don’t snipe other peoples translations.
Deep breaths people, deeeep breaths