Nanako October 10, 2019 7:17 pm

what ive learned is that everyone in this story are little needy hoes

but like thats fine cause me too

Nanako October 8, 2019 11:57 pm

A lot of people say "why are they fighting over such simple things?"
Guys, I'm sure half of you haven't bought a house or apartment before or written a book so its understandable that you wouldnt think its a big deal.

Letting someone buy you a house is like someone buying you a few cars. Its not just Shen Sheng, I dont think anyone would want to be indebted to someone for that much money even if you are close to them. You feel like you're taking advantage of someone and that's a terrible feeling. Also, if you let someone buy it for you, you'd just feel less independent and we know Shen Sheng doesn't want that.

About the story thing, thats a little simpler than the house. I think that Shen Sheng just wants the story to be his own.

Personally,letting someone edit your essay or story pretty much feels like cheating, especially when that person is a professional writer. I've had my dad (who writes professionally) edit some of my essays, and it just feels like it isn't mine anymore. This is probably similar to what Shen Sheng feels but he just can't express it correctly.

    Singniture_here October 9, 2019 12:25 pm

    I think he might be upset about the essay cuz cheng mu pretty much only talk about it. Saying 'you should be working on that now then why you come out' then going 'why your still changing it' he practically is stating he is incompetent. Cheng mu saying that shen sheng keeps pushing him away. he is physically but emotionally cheng mu is pushing shen sheng away. He does this all the time saying come with me i wanna spend time with you then he starts off going why are you here you should be working.

    I think they are both good for each other but they got to work thru these little problems first sonce its really just lack of communication. We know both love each other dearly. They just have diffrent ways of showing it.

    The whole house thing tho i agree wholeheartedly

    Nanako October 10, 2019 7:02 pm
    I think he might be upset about the essay cuz cheng mu pretty much only talk about it. Saying 'you should be working on that now then why you come out' then going 'why your still changing it' he practically is... Singniture_here

    oh tru i missed a lot on the book part. Totally agree with u

Nanako October 8, 2019 11:44 pm

thank you to the uploaders and scanlation group im so grateful for all these new chapters! Luckily, I was able to remember the exact chapter i was on which was 38. I also didnt forget the plot like most people seem to have forgotten. I wish i could remember things this well on my tests for school LOL

Nanako October 7, 2019 8:33 pm

this is so good i laughed so hard at many of their interactions. Just gfjfjjf so good

Nanako September 30, 2019 8:05 pm

im just laughing reading all these comments y'all entertaining af

    fairybobohu September 30, 2019 8:12 pm

    tell me about it ヽ(ヅ)ノ
    but kinda entertaining lol

Nanako September 15, 2019 12:01 am

bruh i love this story but at the same time i cant understand how i read over 100 chapters of this and didnt get bored somehow. It feels like the story doesnt have much depth but it really does now that i think about it. Im just kind of upset about the whole accident thing jungsoo had bc wow i cant believe it turned out cliche that he didnt remember his lover.

Nanako August 22, 2019 4:05 pm

im rereading this its been so long

Nanako August 22, 2019 4:01 pm

my poor baby namkyun omg someone please help him

Nanako August 19, 2019 12:08 pm

i dunno if this is the best thing to read while im eating breakfast but i enjoyed every second of it and so did my cereal

Nanako August 17, 2019 12:50 am

first: is it just me or is some parts of the sex scenes filtered bc its tapas? Ill have to check the raws. They were still very good tho

second: tommy x clark..a concept?? I think my favorite chapters are them together bc they are soso funny

third: everyone seems to not like the doctor but cut him some slack. In my opinion he seems to be weak and very very gullible and that makes me feel bad for him. He literally cannot say no to alex. I really hope doc doesnt die.

fourth: clark is actually rlly manipulative like the doc said. Like damn he literally runs the whole show over here. I stg he has no feelings

fifth: clark bottoming is something i definitely did not know i needed

sixth: the lady with the gray hair who is running the bar is cute

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