first, thank you so much for your effort in translating these.
I really do not mind the quality because we should be grateful.for any translation, but if you would like feedback I can give some.
1. the export quality seems to be lower than usual. Try exporting as a png with lossless compression to make it crisper.
2. Some pages aren't the same size, try to coordinate with the whole group of what pixel size to use for your canvases.
3. the text is maybe a tad too big for the bubbles, but that's just my personal opinion and it doesn't matter as long as it can be read.
Once again thank you so much! We really do appreciate your hard work on these scans and I am excited to see how this story progresses. Also that Cain edit at the end was fire!

like bro.. I get it, they look good or whateva but like also did u forget that one of them is a fucking rapist ? likeeee even if they did get together the only way for it to work would be loads of therapy but frankly I don't think they would try to get any. The victim falling in love/getting attached to his captor is also (as you probably know) Stockholm syndrome. These two have a multitude of mental health problems and I can't see them having a healthy relationship at all. It'll just spiral out of control again

if this was reality and Dohyun left Sungho a second time without a doubt their would a double suicide involved mark my words. Or Sungho would pull the emotional manipulation card of many abusers of claiming he'll change only if Dohyun stays with the threat of self harm. Nothing about the ending of this plot is healthy and i'm was so excited about the plot truly thinking the author would actually demonstrate a sensitivity to her own subject matter, god forbid you actually read a dark BL that doesn't romanticize its themes. Shame on me for holding my breath.

remember when people were like "damn I kinda wanna see Chang x Ed" well.. there you go. I never ever thought this would happen and idk if I should be happy or sad. This story is really getting good because it's just so unexpected than what anyone thought in the beginning. Those are the best kinda of stories. It also shows how a relationship can end in just one moment-- really heartbreaking
I love this WOW