Pepper July 28, 2024 3:27 pm

Not that I don’t love the flashback and the sex scene. But I wanna know how he going to fix this mess of a relationship. I don’t like looking at the past so much

    dump July 28, 2024 3:28 pm

    Gurl same

    hjnamrcno July 28, 2024 3:31 pm

    words for words cause same

    Sephiroth July 28, 2024 4:16 pm

    we wouldn't know how long, both korean and english are up to date

Pepper June 4, 2024 3:04 pm

Thank you for uploading, if the last 3 chapter have the ugly promo drawing on it. It’s really ruined the story flow even tho it just smutty scene

    Maruru June 4, 2024 7:07 pm

    First of all, those drawings/doodles are adorable, not ugly.

    Second of all, it won't ruin any chapters, it's just a one or two little page(s) at the end of the chapters. It's not like like there are tons of personal comments or doodles here and there on every pages, you can still read the whole chapter comfortably.

    Third of all, you only thanked the uploader of the last 3 chapters just because you don't like the previous uploader's (Tf_) drawings and how the chapters being uploaded in a timely manner that keeps the official site 3 chapters ahead.

    Tf_ June 6, 2024 2:16 pm
    First of all, those drawings/doodles are adorable, not ugly.Second of all, it won't ruin any chapters, it's just a one or two little page(s) at the end of the chapters. It's not like like there are tons of pers... Maruru

    Ty for standing up for me but I think Pepper was talking about the banner at the beginning of the new chapters that aren't my uploads :D

Pepper April 11, 2024 11:04 pm

Thank you for the better translation

Pepper April 1, 2024 11:31 pm

Lets report the account

Pepper April 30, 2021 10:16 pm

Lenzhin website literally give you a free coin to give to this author every monday wednesday and friday stop saying you guys don't have any money. f you guys seriously keep being selfish and still uploading this author chapter. I'm just gonna report this website for distributing copyright.

    Kookie :3 April 30, 2021 10:17 pm


    hey lol April 30, 2021 10:21 pm

    report the site if u want to, there will always be other illegal sites like mangago...

    Szky April 30, 2021 10:36 pm

    But not everybody has that privilege me myself I do not wanna my my credit card on any app, I have money to buy these comics and if I need to I will but I don’t feel safe doing it

    yuki* April 30, 2021 10:45 pm

    Please don't report the site. We had the same problem with some other stories and people stop uploading after the author asked for it. It's not the new thing.
    Could you please give us the author twitter so we can support her. It's a better way.
    please stop fighting with some random comments and stupid kids.

    J9fqd142 April 30, 2021 10:50 pm
    But not everybody has that privilege me myself I do not wanna my my credit card on any app, I have money to buy these comics and if I need to I will but I don’t feel safe doing it Szky

    Then that's your problem... how many times do we have to repeat that you can earn free coins? Wth

    GregsPhatBussyLips April 30, 2021 11:25 pm

    yo how do i get the coins? bc ive been using the website for years, and have never ever gotten a thing from them lol

    ann73uxis April 30, 2021 11:25 pm
    But not everybody has that privilege me myself I do not wanna my my credit card on any app, I have money to buy these comics and if I need to I will but I don’t feel safe doing it Szky

    u saying that u have the money to buy it means that u have the privilege to? You just don’t want to.

    ann73uxis April 30, 2021 11:28 pm
    yo how do i get the coins? bc ive been using the website for years, and have never ever gotten a thing from them lol GregsPhatBussyLips

    use this thread

Pepper April 6, 2021 3:00 am

Why do people just keep taking other people translation project, when there are tons of other. Why wont you guys just join any translation group. I was a cleaner/redrawer in translation group for a couple months but I quit cause I don't have that much time anymore. I'm not judging your translation but do you know how tiring it is having to professionally translate, erasing and putting font in a chapter and doing for free for days just for a random person to post over you and they not even doing it seriously.

Pepper April 5, 2021 1:49 pm

Is this like on lezhin, the translate version? Because I really do love to support tho.

    Morohtar April 5, 2021 1:54 pm

    Weird, Google doesn't yield any entries for a webtoon with this name.
    I doubt this is only published on here. Maybe someone can figure out the original name and re-google it?

    Hi, I'm Blue April 5, 2021 2:50 pm

    It's available on Korean Lezhin and the Title is correct "Big & Big"

    Jesus April 5, 2021 4:06 pm
    It's available on Korean Lezhin and the Title is correct "Big & Big" Hi, I'm Blue

    Hi! Can you give the direct korean name of this?

    Hi, I'm Blue April 5, 2021 5:06 pm
    Hi! Can you give the direct korean name of this? Jesus

    Sure, darling → 빅앤빅

Pepper March 11, 2021 6:37 am

I don't know how to feel but I hope Andy is okaay like be gentle to him hahah it's just so random for his character to be rude thoo? I kinda like Andy.

Pepper March 4, 2021 6:00 pm

The main guy is completely me. I literally almost did the same crap that guy did in highschool. I even behave like him, I act polite and nice but everyone freaking annoys me.

Pepper March 4, 2021 10:24 am

At least they break up in a healthy way ya know

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