and jistar finally coming out as jimoon lmao
but wut kinda guild prohibits personal friendships wtf
Heejae: "Wear something pretty"
Seyeong: *wears the same plain sweater he's worn every chapter*
thank you fujoshimom for bringing us these wonderful series... and if someone doesn't pick this up i'll cry myself to sleep every night T_T these two are the most hilarious idiots i can't even, i love them so much
LMFAO this made me cry
Um are we... just gonna ignore that someone in the background is walking a polar bear like a dog...
the position of that worm in the third panel-
Man's not joking
Man grew a dick spontaneously XD
lol why ppl mad? other website is free too. anyway i see everyone saying they kissed but idk if they actually kissed bc it looks to me like mijeong just suddenly kissed hangyul on the cheek and hangyul didn't rly participate and might react awkwardly even tho they're clearly in love? I can't wait to for things to be more clear
just admit it. man sitting there basically telling people they're stupid for being into each other then goes running the second he gets a call from Hyuk.