AxelNeuman88's feed

.... such a meaningless story.
Firstly, so after completely changing herself (cutting her hair, changing her clothes, wearing make-up) she finally gets her happy ending? Wouldn't it have been better, if she did not change herself, but just got self-respect?
Secondly, the older sister never stands up for her younger sister, like, your friends call your family "ugly" and you just shrug it off? Then again, you are asked not to visit the place that she works, there should be a reason for that, and you should have respected her wish, like, please.
Thirdly, all the story about the make-up and everything else... I would have preferred if there was a supernatural explanation rather than "it was make-up", like was it a set for the Lord of the Rings? What is your budget, sis?
Fourthly, why so many girls in shoujo manga wish everyone around them to be as unhappy as they are? Why they are so egocentric?
Overall, the story is really illogical to me at least and I did not see the message that the author was trying to translate in the story.