Re-reading this and laughing (a little) that Kamio's sword becomes a steak knife - shrinkage? Cold water or ... O.O http://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/1310558/

Hahaha...while patiently waiting for an update I resorted to reading a Finder fanfic, and one chapter has Aki, Kou and Takato perform in a drag show dressed as (respectively) Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian and Grell ... so funny

Thieving Time!!!! One of the best!

omg I have to read this o_o
can you pls post a link?

It is not really a user friendly site but here ya go. And here is a add-on by another author (read after) http://ptw30.livejournal.com/28794.html

thanks (⌒▽⌒)

Wow, there sure are some needy people on this page lately, trying to demand attention with their adolescent and inflammatory remarks. Reminds me of a bunch of junior high school girls trying so hard to be popular, and failing miserably. So sad, let's not reply to their remarks, and maybe they will get tired of looking silly.

==> NOT J Unleashed.

Okay VF Fans - if the character in this manga were fish, who would be what, and why ...

Akihiko would be a dolphin, lively and inquisitive. Asami would be either an orca ore a shark, cause they are awesome.

That was my thought too - Aki as a dolphin, Asami as a sleek Great White shark, Kirishima is a seahorse (because the males do the mothering and that is kind of what he does for Asami) Suoh is an Orca, Sakazaki is an octopus, Sudou is an eel, Fei is a Man of War (so elegant) and Mikhail is a Hammerhead shark.

A dolphin is NOT A FISH. Neither is an orca for that matter. They're mammals (sayeth the marine biologist wannabe).
Male seahorses give "birth" to their young. I am SO not into mpreg. How could you do that Kirishima?! However, Sakazaki as an octopus is strangely appropriate...
NO! Absolutely no tentacle sex. Leave the cephalopods out of this.
Sharks. How predictable that sharks would be brought into this. There's blood in the water...
Asami is a barracuda. I've been stalked by at least one every single time I've done open water. Not that I'm calling Asami a stalker... the freakin' things like to follow you around just for intent purpose of intimidation. Totally Asami.
Akihito is a type of damselfish. Heh... sorry for the unfortunate name but he definitely reminds me of one. It's the only the only fish I've been attacked by (so far). Felt a *BAP BAP* against my fin, and this little thing was aggressively going at my heel. Yeah, yeah... I'm moving on little fish.
Kirishima is a pufferfish. HAHAHA! Sorry, but he really is.
Suoh is a goliath grouper. Mmm.... grouper...
I can't pick anything better than a Portuguese Man-of-War for Fei Long. Really beautiful, but they tend lose tentacles in rough seas... which means those damn things are floating around waiting to sting at any opportunity. Hmm... this is more appropriate than I thought. Not the worst sting I've suffered though.
Mikhail is a type of triggerfish. Very colorful. Don't piss them off.
Sudou is most definitely clownfish. He likes his fancy anemone.

Asami The Sperm whale because they can dive !0,000+ ft into the deep and is the biggest thing in the ocean. It can live in the abyss well while it hunts the giant Squid. They are mortal enemies. Fei long is the Squid. there is something elegant and beautiful about them moving through the water. Giant squid are never seen. Who really understands Fei? Suoh I see as an Orca leading the pack of security men out in front attacking anything that gets in the way. Kirishima is that fish that swims around the whale keeping it clean of dead sin and ticks. Takaba is a Sei whale bec. it is the fastest whale. Arbatov true great white they can smell blood in the water miles away and come in for the kill. the guy who takes Sodoh from the hospital is an octopus. He has hands in everything. Sudoh is a crab running along the bottom looking up at every body else.

I know whales are mammals. Crabs are not fish either, but that is what the char. are to me.

Okay more fun. I'll try not to make typos on the names. You all know "Lei" is "Fei", right? Anyway, I think Kirishima is a spotbase Burrfish. I think it's the eyes that make me say so. Souh is a catfish (probably because I have head-cannoned his eventual kitten rescue career). Mitarai is a tongue-eating sea louse. Aya/Mayu is a vampire fish. Sudou is a sacculina, the barnacle that feed off the wombs of female fish. Yuri is a Stonefish. Ai is a minnow (used for bait).
BTW, I Googled these fish. If anyone wants me to link to the original sources, I will. I usually don't bother with citations on forums. :)

hahahahahaha tongue eating sea louse. such a good name. Angler fish. this was such fun.

this has a lot of replies to this comment! lol

Way to ruin my childhood guys!! Now I will never be able to watch Finding Nemo again without thinking of perverted stuff!!! ;)

Instead of calling some one the B word I say call them A sacculina,
I was just reading some fanfic, and it got me thinking. If Yamane sensei could be coerced into writing a crossover arc, with anything, what would be the most fun to see?
Twittering Birds. I wonder how the 2 would blend. Dom. would have more in common with Asami. and Yash. would bond with Takaba. Just for fun Bleach. LOL.
Hahaha, I could see Asami up against a Hollow - he could glare them to death, and would Love Captains Kuchki and Zaraki. (never did read the first one you suggested - could not get in to it.)
Hmm, how about a Black Butler crossover, would love to see Asami vs. Sebastian, Tao could make friends with Ciel, Grell could chase after Fei, and Aki and Undertaker could play pranks on everyone ...
Tao and Ciel? Oh dear, I'd be worried about Tao if those two met. :D
That would be a very fun crossover indeed though.
Feilong could use his ninja skills via his hair. Takaba can use his camera that returns souls Krishima with a high power glasses swipes you to death. Suoh has demonic rush pistol. Mik has throw the fur blanket. LOL.(OLD joke thread) Asami uses his guns but it's his ego that he uses to fight the hollows. LOL. it's the biggest thing in the room.
How about a crossover with Death Note ...Light and L meeting Asami and Aki would be interesting (⊙…⊙ )